Products I regret buying - My Blog Spot

Products I regret buying

1:00 AM

Here are some products I have been waiting to do a post on for a while just so I had a few to show.. luckily there wasn't too many I disliked.
Some of these might work for you guys but I really didn't have any luck with them and will not be repurchasing.

*Physicians Formula Happy Booster Glow & Mood Boosting Powder-$4 from Shoppers Drug Mart. I was SO lucky I found this on sale in the clearance section so $4 wasn't much of a loss. I have seen these at regular price for around $16! I would have been pissed if I paid that. The packaging is super cute and I have heard mixed reviews on this particular powder but I thought I would try it anyways. Well it was a waste of money, it doesn't do anything for my skin and it certainly doesn't boost my mood. I think the bronzer would have been a better one to buy but I only saw the powder =/

* got2b Fat-tastic instant infusion collagen root-boosting spray-$6 from Shoppers Drug Mart- Sad to say 90% Of any volumizing products do nothing for me but when I see them on sale and the bottle has these amazing claims I usually will give it a try. I am beginning to think I need to just fork out the money for a salon volumizing product rather then 10 drug store ones I dislike. This does nothing for my hair, it didn't leave it greasy or weighed down but it also did not add volume. I will not repurchase.

* Revlon Grow Luscious- I can't remember the price, it was over 6 months ago but I was hanging onto the tube for a post like this. I HATE having gross crunchy hard lashes and this is exactly what it did to mine. They feel like they are going to bust off...not my kinda mascara. It certainly didn't help grow my lashes in any way but maybe I wasn't using it long enough? I hope since there is a new version out they have changed the formula slightly.
*Hard Candy Split Personality Eye Shadow Duo- $7 from Walmart. I really wanted to like this but the application is pretty much terrible and I honestly haven't used it in a while and probably won't =/. You can read my review Here if you are wonder more why I disliked it.

*Revlon Color Stay Liquid Eye Pen-$9-Shoppers Drug Mart. This one was SUCH a waste of money, the only way you get a solid line of color is if you press fairly hard and go so slow! It is not pigmented very nicely and I have since tried the Elf & Fresh Joe felt tip eye liners and they have been amazing! There is a lot cheaper better alternatives out there!Maybe I got a bad tube or something but this wasn't what I was looking for.

What was the last product you purchased that didn't make it to your HG list?

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  1. I have that got2b volumizing spray but I'm not sure how I like it actually, sometimes it works and sometimes it just weight down my hair and makes it feel super greasy! Karen gave me a tip though - use it with a blowdryer! I never use a blowdryer anyway but I guess it could work.

  2. I agree with gaby.. blow dry your hair until it is almost dry then put that volumizer in then blow dry hair upside down. have you ever watched lolamarie7 or whatever her name is she is really awesome and products that I didn't really like I liked more after following her hair tips. :-) I didn't like the l'oreal but I already told you that ahaha ;-) I don't like it when products don't work out the way you wanted it to

  3. I got to your blog randomly when looking at a friends post about beauty boxes ie: birch box

    Looked at your posts about the Luxe boxes. They look so fun!
    It's a bit depressing because i cant get any shipped to me where I'm living at the moment.

    But I've followed you so that i can live vicariously through you. haha!

    Amelia @ Ugly Duckling


  4. TAYGAN!! hey! I'm so behind on reading your blog haha I will be scrolling back shortly ;)

    ahh i hate when my hair products don't work. My sister is like constantly buying them and she never uses them so she lets me have them but they don't do anything for me </3 its awful haha.

    And its a shame that Physicians formula powder didn't work for you :/ I loved Physicians formula when I was in middle school but it honestly seemed like they downgraded. The packaging is always cute but the actual product..not so much.

  5. I bought a few of the PF happy mood booster blush and highlighters and none of them were worth the full price I paid. I was pretty mad lol it's the price of a mac blush over here!

  6. @Gaby-I hate when I have a product that does that! Super annoying, you want to throw it out and then it works and then it doesn't! I actually ALWAYS blow dry my hair...stupid pin straight flat lame ass hair!!

    @TheMissTwist-Yes I love her! Shes funny as hell too! I seriously have tried everything under the sun to create volume or life to my lame hair =/
    I agree I really hate when something is supposed to do one thing and does the complete freakin opposite!

    @UglyDuckling- Yay I love random blog readers =D
    Aw I totally feel your pain! Before Luxe Box was launched in Canada I saw sooo many Birch Boxes and was so sad they didn't ship to Canada. lol you defiantly can live them through me ;) and hopefully you will be able to get them sooner then you expect!

    @Cerina-CERINA!!=D I am always excited when I see a comment from you, I feel like its been so long!!lol you can take all the time you need to read because I don't think it's going anywhere.
    ooo that would be so handy to have someone to buy the product try it and give the rest to you lol. except if they totally suck =(
    I love the packaging too, its always so cute! I am sure there are some nice things but I have yet to find them...and cannot afford the full price on them =/

    @Mercedes- Ahh that's sad to hear the blush wasn't really worth it either =( and I would totally pick a Mac product over one of these!!

  7. Hi again Taygan! Omigosh you don't like the Got2B Fat-Tastic Collagen Root Boosting Spray?! Dang, that's a long product name LOL Awww, I'm sorry to hear that but I was just about to ask you if you blow dry your hair - then I read Gaby's comment and then your response. Hmmm, I'm wondering why it doesn't work out for you. My younger sister loves this spray product too and she's very critical of voluminizing hair products. She's tried all sorts even that pricey Aveda Pure Abundance stuff and various others. I spray the Got2b into DRY hair and only at the roots (front, back, sides). I massage it in for a few seconds and then I blow dry my hair for about 2-3 minutes until it feels dry. My hair is quite voluminous after - it's the only product that works best for me. I last tried the highly raved Big Sexy Hair Root Pump Spray that's suppose to give you lots of volume. Well, that' didn't work out for me at all. Some people say it works fantastic for them and they get tons of volume. My younger sister tried the Big Sexy Hair one and it didn't work for her either....so idunno...maybe it will work for you? I've seen it cheaper at Winners for like $10. But just a word of caution, I heard it gets really sticky if you use a tad bit too much. I guess I would put up with sticky if my hair look AMAZING but it didn't work for me LOL

  8. I bought the hairspray too, from my Dollar Tree. It makes my hair so stiff it looks crunchy. I tried to brush it out and it flaked out, gross! So, needless to say that is gonna be in a products I regret post :)


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