Crest 3D White Strips 2 Hour Express Review - My Blog Spot

Crest 3D White Strips 2 Hour Express Review

1:00 AM

I was very pleased to get the chance to review Crest 3D White strips 2 hour express from Chick Advisor =D

I have been a teeth whitener for years randomly on and off for years and have used Crest whitening strips in the passed so I thought that I would be super amazed by this line of whitening strips. As well I had watched quite a few Youtube reviews that were positive so I had fairly high hopes.

 This kit is really nice because it comes with 4 whitening treatments so you aren't just forking out a bunch of money for one use, it lasts a year so I think it's really good for the price.
I found these very easy to apply, they are very similar to the other Crest strips but they are slightly thicker and extremely sticky! I didn't realize how sticky they were until I was removing them.

There is only 3 here since I used one!
When applying, start with the bottom strip first, then move to top. Once strips are applied you wait 2 hours.
I did have a few times where I thought they were slipping off but they weren't . The strips were slightly annoying to wear for 2 hours straight but I mean its worth it if you get whiter teeth right?
I was able to drink some water and talk fairly okay while having these on.

Once the time is up, I went to pull the strips off but they were so stuck on my teeth I couldn't just slide them off like the other Crest strips I have used. Which is good so you know they are stuck on for the 2 hour time frame.
I had slight pain in ONE tooth but I didn't think too much of it, I brushed my teeth with Sensodyne tooth paste and I was able to drink room temperature water.

The results were really good! I do not have super yellow teeth to begin with but they needed some freshening up and I was happy with the outcome, I was actually a little shocked at first at how white they were!

So at that point I was happy!

Now for the negative =/

I went to sleep that night, I had used the strips in the evening and went to bed a couple hours after using it, I woke up in the WORST teeth pain in my life! I seriously thought my teeth were going to explode and shatter! I really do not have much sensitivity problems ever, the odd time I have some noticeable sensitivity after too much whitening but never ever ever from one use or this excruciating. I have a good pain tolerance but this was brutal. I didn't sleep at all that night, at around 1 am I found myself googling what to do when you have this problem but nothing ever was found. In the am before work I stopped by Shoppers Drug Mart and purchased some Orjel to temporarily numb any pain I could. This did not take away much pain, my 9 hour work day was the worst day I have ever had from this pain. It has been 25 hours since I have used this and I still have a fair amount of pain.

I will never use this product again, I am going to give the left over away to a friend who likes to whiten her teeth and hope she does not run into this problem.

So I DO NOT recommend this to anyone who has sensitivity issues at ALL!!! Save yourself from this pain, it is not worth it.

If you do not have problems with sensitivity I say go for it! If I had no pain I would purchase this product as well recommend it.  

For anyone with sensitivity issues or someone who isn't wanting to blow a bunch of cash on these I would recommend Plus White, see my Review Here.

What is your favorite whitening system?

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  1. oh wow that makes me nervous to try it! I've never had any issues with sensitivity, like you, so I think the same would probably happen to me! :/

  2. yick! I have never whitened my teeth. The dentist seriously messed up a couple of teeth of mine so I have to see a specialist in order to get braces. Lee bought some but never used them.. the tray ones i figure those will be messy. I did at one point want to try them but too many people were talking about teeth sensitivity so I didn't... scary though I can't imagine what teeth whitening does to your teeth in the long run :-/

  3. mmmmmmm I think I have sensitive teeth, i really wanna try the Plus white instead but i cant find it! =[.. I need to go shopping more hahah.. I'll ask the pharmacist at shoppers or something =] so far I use baking soda to whiten my teeth.. i jsut add soem to my toothpaste and brush my teeth like normal.. not seeing much results thoo =[ I often get lazy to use it maybe thats why its not working?


  4. Oh wow :/
    Im so not gonna try it
    I hope you are feeling better. Many hugs

  5. I want to try a brand similar, but tbh I'm scared :P

    Lucy x

  6. I can't wait to try these even thought I'm a little ashamed to feature P&G crap on my blog... but oh well! And you scared the hell out of me LOL!

    I saw that Plus White gel you reviewed at my local Wal-Mart and I thought of you ahah! It was arounf $8 but I was wondering if it's cruelty-free?

  7. @MissAshDG- I think I would just recommend the regular Crest white strips, they are less intense and I don't have problems with them... It is just crazy how painful teeth pain is lol if that makes sense.

    @TheMissTwist-Ahh that sucks, your teeth look nice and white in your pictures! I agree I can't imagine that whitening a lot with such a strong whitener can be good for any ones teeth =/

    @ThisIsAlx-It should be at your shoppers, I can't remember what isle but probably beside the crest white strips in the tooth paste isle lol I think! I actually used to use baking soda but it tastes so sick! I also get lazy there is so much other stuff going on to remember that too!

    @Osxg33kgirl-omg they are soo much better!!! My friend worked with me that day and she was probably ready to hit me by noon from all my whinning lol. so painful!!!

    @LucyyLou- I don't know why these are so evil but maybe just try the Crest 3d or regular strips, I find they work decent and no pain!!

    @Gaby-I am so interested to see what you think! I hope you have no pain, I know Kandee didn't have any so maybe only a small amount of people react badly to them?
    I also really thought that I read somewhere this was cruelty free but I cannot find it anywhere now =/ I will get back to you on that one because now I am super curious!!

  8. Omigosh Taygan! I want to give you a hug when I read your bad experience on it :(
    I'm sooo glad you wrote your honest review though. I haven't tried this teeth whitening and I don't buy teeth whitening products. I brush with regular Sensodyne toothpaste and use regular mouthwash - none of them are whitening. But a couple of times P&G has sent me one crest white strips sample to try out - P&G has this brand sampler thing you can sign up for free and they send you mini samples once in a while. Anyways the crest strip I used was not this new one you tried, it was a milder version but damn, it was painful on my teeth. Not as bad the pain you described but I'm sure if I used this brand new version of Crest Strips that you tried, I would have just as bad of a pain experience as you did. I have some teeth sensitivity for sure and I honestly don't know how the majority of people can comfortably use Crest White Strips.
    I hope your teeth feel better now. If you're still not 100% back, buy some Sensodyne toothpaste. I use the basic one in Fresh Mint and it works like a charm. I've been using it strictly for a few years now and I haven't changed. Let me know how it goes if you try it x

  9. That sucks that it was so painful afterwards! I've been thinking about trying these out for a while now so I'm SUPER glad I found your review as my teeth have been slightly sensitive after the regular ones!


  10. Hello Montser!
    I felt bad to read what you have gone through. I felt sorry for you. Your post is really a helpful one. All should definitely go through this at least once.
    Thank you...

  11. Hi, My name is Kathy and I work for Crest. I just came across your review, and I'm so sorry you experienced this. Would you mind giving us a ring when you get a few, so we gather more details and answer any questions you may have? Also, all of our Whitestrips have a money back guarantee, so we're more than happy to discuss compensation. Our toll free number is 1(800) 395-8423, and we're open M-F, 9-6 EST. Thanks. Kathy

  12. I’m a bit weary against using Crest because of teeth sensitivity. I get my strips from Stella white instead, they are without peroxide. :)


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