Winners & Walmart Good Crap I got =) - My Blog Spot

Winners & Walmart Good Crap I got =)

10:45 AM

If you follow me on twitter you might have seen me talking about good crap that you buy at Walmart or Target or where ever you might find it =) Here is what I got at Winners yesterday...

My FIRST ELF THINGS EVER!!!!!!!! I am currently waiting for some Elf goodies in the mail from my lovely blogger friend but when I saw this at Winners I had to buy it! So forgive me if there is any similar in the package you are sending me.. I will use it i promise =)

Elf Summer Ready Best Sellers Collection:

*Eyelash Curler
*Lengthening & Defining Mascara
*Liquid EyeLiner
*Eye Shadow Trio -no color names =(

I found this at Winners and I honestly have yet to find an Elf product anywhere near where I live in Canada.. I didn't even think it was sold in Canada.The selection was small there, just kind of sets like this and their eye shadow books. So this was $9.99 and I am so curious if any of you American  bloggers or readers have purchased this or seen the price of this?


Everything here is from Walmart except the Joico and Batiste Dry Shampoo.
The Joico was purchased at Winners and I got the K-PaK Reconstructive conditioner just like the one from my other post and honestly these suckers are regularly like $42  or higher at some salons so when I saw this I had to have it. It is a Liter and will last me such a long time.Now the best part about all of this is that it was $19.99! I was stoked so I had to buy it.. then no more hair products for a while =) I am set!
I finally found my Batiste Colored Dry Shampoo in Black. This is usually around $9.99 at Shoppers Drug Mart and at Winners it was $5.99 so I bought 2.

These were purchased at Walmart:                                                   

*L'OREAL Ever Pure -Sulfate Free,no harsh salts,Natural Botanicals-It sounds good so hopefully it will be kind to my hair =)This was a little pricey $9
*Next is the usual Clean&Clear makeup dissolving cleansing wipes. I had a $3 off coupon and this was just under $6 so I paid 3 dollars for it =)
*Montagne Jeunesse Mask Apricot Mango scrub - $2
*L'OREAL Total  Repair Night-This ranges anywhere from $4-$7 but it was on for $3.96 and I had a $2 off coupon so it was super cheap!

And my last picture is from my very bestest friend Shari =)
She recently went to the states and she knows what a gumaholic I am and that I love to try every single kind ever!! So she was kind and bought me a few we don't have in Canada.. or not at least where I am living. Thank you =) =)

*Extra Dessert Delights gum-Key Lime Pie Yummy!
*Extra Desserts Delights Gum-Strawberry Shortcake YUMMMM
*Extra Fruit Sensations- Sweet Tropical my FAV!! 

Since I have had a couple days off this week and I think I am shopping WAY too much for my bank account =/ so I need to slow down soon on that =( 

Have you tried any of these products? What was the last thing you bought that you didn't overly need?

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  1. GOOD CRAP! LOL (:

    I love ELF Eyelash curler, it's my favorite curler except that I hate when the rubber thing falls ARGH! I haven't tried any makeup from ELF but the eyeshadows look pretty (: I don't think ELF is available in Canada except in Winner ocasionnally...

    That's a great price for the Batiste dry shampoos! Will have to go check my local Winners (:

  2. I agree with Gaby! The ELF eyelash curler is by far the best one I've ever used but my rubber thing fell off too! :-O

    I haven't seen that best sellers box yet but I imagine it's somewhere haha.

    I LOVE GUM SO MUCH! I went to Target today and there were packs of gum on sale for like 20cents and I was like "I wonder why these are on sale..they're probably stale or something but oh well" haha
    I always carry gum with me no matter what, but I gotta be careful when I get some at school cause there is always that one kid that's like "hey do you have gum???" haha and then I have to lie and say it was my last piece LOL

  3. Great crap!! haha I don't have that elf set but I have the eyelash curler and the brush and love them! The studio brushes they have are some of the best I have ever used.

  4. LOL CRAP!!.. haha.. u're soo cutee... u can also find very small selection of ELF at dollarama...but they only have like 5 products lol...i lovee elf studio line!! its soo GOOODD and cheap!! they just had 60% off and i ordered like 40 ITEMS!! OMGG hahah waiting patiently^^..btw do you know if we have Targets in Canada?? i think i saw one at STC before but then i thought it sold electrenics... maybe im thinking of The Source? lol


  5. How cool! Elf does have some good products. :)

  6. @Gaby-hahah gotta love the crap =) I am as well liking the lash curler! Wait do you even have a Winners there? ;)

    @Cerina- Hahah I do the same thing!Sorry my last piece, I'm gonna need it! So I assume my rubber thing will fall off too if both of yours did, but it seems okay so far =)

    @Miranda- haha =) I want to try more of their brushes I am LOVING this eye shadow brush it's the perfect shape!

    @Alx-lol everyone likes the crap comment =)hmm I had no idea that there was Elf at dollarrama! I will have to go check again.OMG I cannot wait to see that haul!!! that will be a good one =)
    lol I think that was the Source, there is supposed to be Targets soon, Target bought out Zellers and I read online that MOST of the Zellers will be changing into Targets but not all of them =/ so hopefully we will be lucky to be the ones with Targets!

    @Vintage Makeup- =) I am seeing that, I cannot believe I haven't had the chance to try them out before this!

  7. Believe it or not I have not bought that ELF set yet :)
    I have tried the lash curler and brush and love both of those.

    Good haul girlie

  8. HAHA I didn't send you any of that! Lucky girl! Good deals though! xoxo

  9. Good crap indeed haha!
    I love ELF's studio line brushes, blushes and bronzers.
    Their eyebrow kit is pretty amazing too!


  10. @Mrsmakeup-what you haven't ;) i like them too, I think I love Elf stuff!!

    @Mercedes- ok good! I wonder when we will get are stuff??

    @NoraSchu- haha I just find it funny when everyone calls it that :) I am so surprised how great this cheap stuff is! I would love to try their blushes & bronzers!

  11. What was the last thing I bought that I didn't really need? Well, pretty much everything except groceries :P *sigh* but you gotta enjoy life right? Makeup and beauty products are a bit part of it for me :)
    I heard that L'oreal EverPure Shampoo is really good. I actually got a bottle of it too but haven't gotten around to it yet. I hope it works well for the both of us.
    Oooo and I see you got sent some Extra Desserts Gum! Lucky girl! Dale always picks some up for us when we're in the States and I love ALL the dessert flavours. I can't wait til they sell it in Canada.
    Winners definitely has some great deals if you check often. I've only made one ELF purchase and it was through their website. So I know what you mean - it's not easy to find ELF products at stores here in Toronto. I think it's mostly carried in the States.

  12. @Karen-haha that is so true, and it's kind of like a hobby so really I think it is justifiable :) The shampoo isn't quite what it says... At least the color safe one doesn't seem to be so color safe but other then that it's alright..let me know if you get it! The gum is soo good! Why do we not have it in Canada yet, it should be here soon I am hoping. I am really starting to like Winners just for all of the beauty products they carry :)


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