What Do You Think? - My Blog Spot

What Do You Think?

11:55 AM

Clearly I am not creative... I have been playing around with the look of my blog since I have started and I am so unsure of what I want it to look like... I had an awesome Blogger friend help me yesterday with banners and trying to redesign everything and this is what we have so far...
I change my mind too much sometimes but this is what it looks like for the time being. I don't know if its too dark or to childish? But I love stars and my fav colors are black,pink and lime green!
SOOOO what do you think? I like honesty, so even if it's not positive i'm cool with it =)

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  1. I like it! I think you should go for what you like because it only lets us know a little more about you =)In my opinion I think it would be nice to see the title of the post a different color from the post text. But of course that is just me and it looks just fine if you keep it this way =)

  2. I like it! It shows your personality :) and hey, if you get tired of it, you can always change it. :) I change mine every four months or so..they have some really cute free blogger templates too! :P

  3. @Miranda- ahhh that's what was missing! I accidentally changed some stuff yesterday and i think I changed that. Thank you! It looks much better with a different title color :)

    @Mercedes- aw why thank you:)

    @Cerina-:) yay. Yes exactly! Sometimes you just need to switch it up!

    Thanks for the feed back guys! I'm very very indecisive lately =\

  4. I really like reading your blog and it's fine if you want to change the format up every so often (or just very often!). As long as you like it that's what's important since it's your blog :)

  5. I really like it. I love the way the stars aew positioned because it almost looks as though they are twinkling.

    I adore your blog and will definitly return to read more of your posts! I wish you all the luck in the world with it.

    Take care,

  6. aww, I am glad I could help! Love it!

  7. I like it ! Unfortunately for me I haven't done anything with my blog :(


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