My HG Products Part 1 - My Blog Spot

My HG Products Part 1

12:03 PM

 I have been trying to figure out my most purchased/used products over the past year to see what my HG products are. Here are some of my favorite most used ones....

 *CLEAN & CLEAR Makeup dissolving foaming cleanser. Think I have mentioned this much? Well I have tried quite a few drug store makeup removers and nothing removes my waterproof mascara like this. Although this company does test on animals I am still looking for a replacement and I rather use something that doesn't rip out all of my eye lashes. I have tried a few that didn't compare to this products ability to remove my stubborn mascara.
The reason why I think this is super convenient and works so well is because it is a foam, no need for the stupid cotton pads that just add more garbage and don't really get the product distributed all over for easy removal of waterproof mascara. I can apply the foam and let it just hang out for like 30 second to help break up the mascara and the rest is fairly easy to remove. Also NO oil! I HATE that gross feeling.
I am sure there are better makeup removers out there but I haven't found them yet! 

 *ASANTI BrightenUp! Okay I wish I could say this was most purchased but it really isn't because of the price. I just can't justify spending so much money on high end products right now in my life, when I win the lotto sure =D
This is what i have received in my Glymm Box in January so it is new to me but HOLY CRAP I LOVE this stuff! I am super picky on facial scrubs that I never ever can find a drug store one that i actually like.
After using this my skin feels amazing, clean soft and non flaky! If you ever get the chance to use this I would for sure recommend it.

 *L'OREAL VOLUMINOUS Waterproof.. I hear of love and hate thoughts on this product. I have been using this for as long as I can remember and no matter what I ALWAYS have one of these in my massive mascara obsession to find the best mascara. I find the waterproof formula to be more of what I am looking for since it holds my curl and doesn't rub off easily. The formula isn't too wet or dry but it dries fast enough in between coats to not be annoying. If you haven't tried this I would recommend it. Voluminous gives my lashes length and fullness.

 *MAYBELLINE Super stay 24hr Concealer. Wow this stuff really stays on my skin! Fortunately I actually didn't even need to use concealer until this year when my skin just went nuts and now I have some slight scarring. This completely covers it up and doesn't budge. The color matching is really my only complaint. This is slightly off from my skin tone so that is kind of a piss off =/

MAKEUP FOREVER HD Powder. I actually really like this, it does give a mattifing finish so if you want dewy this isn't for you. This helps create an airbrushed matte finish, helps make skin look flawless! I don't think it does last super long and the shine will come through if you have oily skin within a few hours but does anything make anything perfect forever?
I do think Elf's version is very comparable so if you want a cheaper price tag you can try that one and get similar results.

Those are a couple products I know I have mentioned about 1000 times since I started blogging.

Have you tried any of these?

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  1. The only product I have tried in all these is the Voluminous mascara but not the waterproof formula. I agree, I think the formula is just right, not too dry, not too wet!

    1. The waterproof is just slightly dryer so holds my curl better!

  2. I haven't tried the Vasanti product, however I love all the others you mentioned. I use the ELF powder on myself and I use the HD on my clients.I honestly cannot tell a difference even with my crazy skin hehe

    1. It is such a nice scrub! not too intense so you could use it daily.
      I agree, I still have a TON of my Elf powder left, it's so cheap and lasts soo long!

  3. So water proof mascara prevents it from running? Like if your crying, it won't run? Lol.

    1. LOL yes exactly! you can cry all day if you need to and it won't budge ;)

  4. Replies
    1. I don't know if that's a sign that all these suck or what! ;)

  5. Great post Taygan! I use to use Clean & Clear Products as a teenager mostly - I really liked this one oil control face lotion they had.
    I haven't heard of the brand Vasanti before. I'll have to look into that one!
    I've used L'oreal Voluminous Mascara for years!!! My younger sister recently bought a tube of it in the States during her travels and she swears that the formula is different than the one sold in Canada - so perhaps that's why there's so many mixed reviews then? I actually switched over to Maybelline The Falsies Mascara last year when I gave it a try - I love it more than the L'Oreal one which really surprised me. Have you tried the Maybelline The Falsies Mascara?

  6. I LOVE the MUFE HD powder. Definitely one of my favorites!


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