January Favorites! - My Blog Spot

January Favorites!

1:00 AM

I missed December's favorites just because I wasn't really crazy in love with anything but this month I kinda am....

*MAYBELLINE'S BABY LIPS-Peppermint. This works great for me and I love the smell!!
*TOKIDOKI- The packaging is my FAVORITE! Very cute. This is a nice gloss with nice color, I love to use it after my baby lips!

*GIOVANNI Hair styling mousse- The is my HG mousse! LOVE IT! Cruelty free, enriched with organic bonticals. This is the ONLY mousse I have ever used and we all know I have used a million different kinds that ACTUALLY help give my blahh hair volume! LOVE this stuff and will continue to repurchase.

*SKULL CANDY ear buds- I go through these ridiculously fast since I listen to them pretty much all day at work, these were only $9 so if they wear out oh well!

BE ENCHANTED- Bath & Body Works Body Mist. Smells really fricken good!!

*BENEFITS BAD GAL Brown. Ahh this stuff is really nice! The wand is really unique with the shape, it works soooo well on my bottom lashes!
*NYC Eye/Eye Brow Liner in Black. This is probably my favorite drug store liner now, it goes on smooth and it is very black.
*MAYBELLINE Mineral Powder Concealer- LOVE this stuff! I can apply this to my whole entire face and wow what a transformation ;) just kidding...but it works really well to spot conceal things you need to! Matches my skin tone very well.

I have been trying to watch my spending so my blog has been a little boring for makeup products but I needed to cut back a bit on all the crap I buy!  But i'm in a shopping mood today so we will see what happens!

What has been your favorite for January?

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  1. Great stuff.. as usual ;)

    I FREAKIN' NEED TO FIND THE BABY LIPS! dyyying for them.

    1. :) there is a lot of love and hate with the baby lips but I think if you don't have super crazy bad lips it will be good.

  2. Nice post!
    Where did you find Tokidoki products?

    1. :) it was actually a give from a friend who lives in another province then me, but I could ask her and let you know!

    2. Thanks! I would be really happy :)

      I wanted to tell you that I tagged you for the 11 questions tag :) here's the link: http://allthingsmevelove.blogspot.com/2012/01/11-questions-tag.html

  3. I love the Maybelline concealer it is one of the best, drugstore or high end. I also love Toki Doki their brushes are amazing too! Maybe it was just me but the Babylips made my lips dry and the formulation just kinda gathered on my lips and made me look like my lips were peeling :/

    Love the post girlie!

    1. Good to know that it is up there with the high end concealers! I hopefully try a high end concealer one day when I am rich!
      I have never ever tried those brushes but They do look nice quality!
      ahh really? was it the tinted one you tried?

  4. I use the same concealer =D
    I have to try the maybelline's baby lips.. i trust you ;)

    1. =D wahoo and we both love monster!
      Still waiting on my order btw...

  5. Great favorites and oh my goodness I love be enchanted! Smells amazing!

    1. =D it's very pretty!I even like the lil picture on the bottle.

  6. The GIOVANNI mousse looks so liquidy, I'm surprised it's actually a mousse ahah! Glad it works for you!

    1. lol, it turns into foam when you pump it, but I went to Walmart the other day and I couldn't find any Giovanni products =(

  7. Great post Taygan. I've heard so much about the Maybelline Baby Lips, but I've really been loving my Burt's Bees Original Lip Balm. It seems that whenever I stray away from my Burt's Bees lip balm that my lips start to get a bit dry so that's probably my favourite product for January.
    Haha you made me laugh about the concealer and transformation...but seriously, it's amazing what some foundation or concealer does! I can't go without it because nice looking even toned skin really makes a huge difference.

    1. That is a good lip balm! And if it works you should stick with it!
      Oh man I know, if I had the energy I would wear it everyday! Nice skin looking skin always makes you feel a little bit pretty =)

  8. Woooohoooo awesome stuff!! I'm glad u liked ur mascara n lippie ^^



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