Older Song I heart! - My Blog Spot

Older Song I heart!

1:00 AM

Okay ANOTHER music post! Sorry I just REALLY LOVE music and think it's a good thing to share with everyone...and I don't have enough posts for everyday anyways so this is a good one to throw in =)


It's funny how
things work out,
the ones we need
don't know we're there
If I were sand
and you were oceans,
the moon would be
why you're pulled to me

I wake up and think dreams are real
I sleep so I don't have to feel
the truth that you can't ever be
the one person that won't ever forget me

I hope that dreams
come when I die
so we can talk
I won't wake up
I'll ask you how
your life worked out

I'll never know
that I'm just dreaming

I wake up and think dreams are real
I sleep so I don't have to feel
the truth that you can't ever be
the one person that won't ever forget me

Let me sleep some more

Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more
Let me sleep some more

What do you think of this one?

Also please let me know if you guys are hating all the music posts??


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  1. Never apologise for the music posts, I love music too and also try and incorporate it onto my blog. I really like sort of indie/rock like these guys and I'd never heard of them before. Thank you for sharing! xx

    Visit The Other Side Of Cool
    Tweet me! @othersideofcool

  2. I like the music posts. I like to know what others listen to! Its a nice change of music for me! :-)

  3. Awesome song! If you don't like posting music on here maybe you could make a music blog?:)

  4. I love this song! I forgot about them, I used to listen to em a lot

  5. @TheOtherSideOfCool- =D Yay another music lover! I will be looking for music posts on your blog! I hope you get a chance to listen to a bit more from them they are amazing! this is silly but I honestly don't even know what indie/rock is! I thought this was like a pop punk or alternative something lol.

    @TheMissTwist-=) Good! I have been meaning to ask you how are you liking the Blink and Good Charlotte??

    @VintageMakeup- =) yay glad you like it too! I do like posting them but I don't know if you guys do?And I actually have another blog but no one reads it lol..well actually one lovely reader does but that's about it.

    @BeautyByKimi- =D=D Wahoo a Armor fan!! Dig out the old songs and re listen =)

  6. i love music posts! sooo dont stop :D

  7. @HeymynameisMatt-But hey do you even follow my blog? ;) Okay okay I will not stop the music posts!


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