Empties! - My Blog Spot


1:00 AM

I found the rest of my empties that I was thinking I forgot in my last empties post!

*Balea Reconstructive Hair Mask Lime Oil- I believe this was around $2 from Shoppers Drug Mart and I had never used it before but I was shocked at how well this worked! This mask is very thick, it was slightly difficult to apply since it was so thick but i LOVE thick hair masks so this was perfect. I expected it to be just like a regular conditioner for the price but I was surprised! My hair was soo soft after and REALLY shiny!! I will for sure purchase this again.

*Slatkin & Co Seaside Escape candle from Bath & Body Works $2- I love this scent! It is different from what I usually buy so it was a nice change.

*Merry Cranberry & Satsuma Home Fragrance Oil from the Body Shop- $7 each. I am in LOVE with Cranberry scents, they make your home smell amazing! I will repurchase this if I can ever find it again =/ The satsuma was alright but I won't be repurchasing it again.

*John Frieda Luxurious Volume Lavish Lift Blow Dry Spray-$7 from Shoppers Drug Mart. I actually didn't like this up until recently. I find it only works when my hair is half dry but it does leave kind of a residue in your hair. I think that is the only reason it worked since my hair is ridiculously soft when its just washed it's so hard to do anything with it. I probably won't repurchase unless it was on a crazy sale for a few dollars.

And that was the rest of my empties! Did you have any?

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  1. Hi Taygan! You're good at following up with your empties and writing a recap opinion of each, which I really like about your post :)
    I haven't tried anything from the Balea line, but I have seen it at Shoppers Drug Mart. I'm glad the conditioner worked out for you. I'm surprised it was super thick in consistency though! I generally like my conditioner to be on the thicker side esp for a deep conditioner. Thanks for letting us know!
    You know, I think both my sisters use the Body Shop Fragrance Oil. I had no idea how they used it until I asked. My younger sister has this clay shaped ring that she places on top of a lamp shade and she drops the fragrance oil into that clay ring. Idunno, but she was saying that if I tried it I should be careful since the oil can heat up too much and splash if the clay ring gets too hot from the lamp :S Do you use something similar to that when you use the home fragrance oils?
    Ah, that's good to know about the John Frieda Blow Dry Spray. I'm not fond of product residue left in my hair. Did you try blow drying your hair after you put the product in though? I find that with some products for volumizing, they require a few minutes with the blow dryer to sort of evaporate the product out of your hair so you don't feel that residue. Does that make sense? LOL
    I had a few empties lately....um, some perfume and my regular products like my HG Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion :)

  2. I used to hate going through products, and having to throw them out. I used to be a hoarder and liked seeing so many different products all around my bedroom/bathroom.

    However, now, I get so excited when I used up a product! :D

  3. Oooh your doing very well!!! I need to start using up all my stuff to make room for more goodies haha x x

  4. Yay for empties! I wish I would get close to finishing up some stuff but then I go buy more and that just doesn't help!!!

  5. i hateee how hair products leaves residue in ur hair!! =[ i dont like washing my hair everyday cuz it will dry out and my hair is already pretty dry. Thats why i love putting my hair into a bun!! its soo freakign easy/chic/comfortable and convinient! =D.. i need a hair cut too.. my hair is down to my lower back already =S which is why i put in in a bun because thats a LOT of hair to style every single day! LOL

    P.S I agree with u on the Lise Watier..i wish we got a nude or pinky colour tho.. cuz that way we can wear it more often =]


  6. @Karen- I am glad someone thinks it's useful =D I love burning oils! I have never used one like your sister has, mine is just a little kinda bowl shaped thing where you put the old in and there is a candle underneath to heat it up but it doesn't spill or splash around luckily, that would be messy =(
    Yes I always blow dry my hair after, I think that is the only way the product actually works, once heat is applied to it. As well your hair can't be sopping wet when you do apply it or I find it does nothing!
    I really need to try Aveeno! I think the only think I have ever used was that eye roller that Chick Advisor let me review =/

    @Nora-I can understand that, I feel like that when it's an expensive product that I love but when you have no room in your bathroom (like me) it's time to use that stuff up lol.

    @Lalalucy1000- lol yes yes you do! That is my motivation! Since there is always new products coming out we can't have everything taking up room in our cupboards, so you need to make more room by using older ones! =)

    @Miranda-Lol no no that probably doesn't help! but you could attempt to have a buying ban or something until you use a couple up? Or is that ridiculous ? lol

    @ThisisAlx-Wow your hair is crazy long!!I wish mine was that long =D
    I know it's terrible when you just wash your hair and you use something and it feels greasy and gross =( but not all of them do that luckily!
    I like the messy bun look =D very pretty and quick! I do a similar look like that pretty much everyday for work.
    I agree with the color for the crayon! I will never wear mine, I tried it but I am too pale for that bright color =(

  7. I'm still on the hunt for a great hair volumizing product but most do leave a residue in the hair z=

    I will really have to try some of these Slatkin & Co candles someday!

  8. I love B&BW candles!! Every time they have a sale i always e-mail my mom and I'm like "yo theres a sale!!" and she spends like a couple hundred of dollars there hahaha. Do you use the wallflowers as well?

  9. Yay for empties!:D The hair mask sounds good, I hope I can find one over here.:D

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  10. @Gaby-Please let me know if you ever find one... I really am not pleased with anything.They work and don't work and work and don't its so odd! We need one who works alwayssssssssss.
    I freaking love those candles, they make my house smell amazing!

    @Cerina-LOL seriously!That would be freakin awesome! When they do have the sales though that is the time to buy them! I haven't but my friend uses them and she loves them,honestly anything from there is soooo good! I love the oils there, my house smells soo nice with them!

    @Marie-I hope you can, or maybe another brand makes a lime one too, it was sooo thick I loved it! I need to buy more.


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