Whats in My make up Travel Bag? - My Blog Spot

Whats in My make up Travel Bag?

6:00 AM

These are always really interesting to read and I have always wanted to do one since I started blogging but I forgot to when I went to Vegas. My Trip was super mini but here is what I brought in my makeup bag:

I was in a hurry packing, last week was too busy for my likings so this is what I threw together. (I forgot my blush/bronzer brush hah)

*My Urban Decay Naked Palette of course
*Benefit's High Beam
*Urban Decay Primer Potion
*ELF Lip Gloss in Trend Setter (My new fav)
*L'oreal Million Lashes
*Cover Girl Classic Clean Pressed Powder
*Hard Candy's Fox In a Box
*Prestige Eye Liner in brown (My HG Eye Liner)
*Sigma's E25 Travel Blending Brush

I ended up not really using anything but my Mascara and my powder as usual but I thought just in case I need something and don't have it.

What is an item that you will never travel without?

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  1. I love those posts too! I wanted to do one before leaving for Wildwoos but I didn't pack any makeup so It hought maybe it would be less interesting. Fox In a Box looks gorgeous!

  2. Foundation and mascara is a must! :)

    Lucy xx

  3. That's a lovely bunch! I've always overpacked makeup... haha :) xx

  4. I love looking into people's makeup bags!
    Which Fox In a Box is that?

  5. Great post! I hate that my walmart doesn't carry fox in a box... and same with the glamoflauge concealer!! damn it!! Anyways I don't have a travel bag but I usually carry around with me the makeup that I used that day... even though I don't retouch anything! ha ha just in case i guess cuz you never know! ;-)

  6. Im in loveee iwht naked palette!! soo i gave in and bought it!! it arrived but i sitll havent used it.. sitll inside the box but everytime i walk by it i have to touch it and look at it and say tha ti love it!! lol but i havent even used it yet!! lol i just like the packaging!! and the colour!!lol im soo weird!! anyways when i travel the most important thing is my skin care stuff because i CANT breakout anymore!! lol but in terms of make up (i was planning not to wear makeup since i stopped wearing it jsut soo my skin can get better but i still took some/a lot with me to north carolina lol.. but i only used my dream mousse concealer, mac studio fix powder, elf candid coral blush, elf face brush, elf blush brush, natural lip balm, annabelle eyebow pencil, elf cream liner, clinique lash curler, and l'oreal carbon black mascara but i brought so much more!! haha..



  7. i fuggin need to buy me a dang naked palette aldready! lol! i keep saying "oh yeah I'll get one soon, I'll get one soon" but i've put it off for way too long lol. I don't travel without foundation, mascara, or lip product :)

  8. @Gaby-I am jealous that you didn't have to bring any makeup! I would look like a monster if I didn't have my mascara lol. But it would be hard to do a whats in my makeup bag with no makeup post ;)

    @LucyyLou-Good picks =)

    @Val-It's really hard to not over pack because you don't know what you might feel like using!

    @NoraSchu- Me too! Aw crap sorry I forgot to post the name, it is Truth or Dare.

    @ThemissTwist- Whattt Glamoflouge is my fav(Even though I bet it is terrible for your skin) Maybe they will carry it one day =(
    That is true you never know what you might need if you are out!

    @Alx-Lol you crack me up! I love my palette too!I hope you get to use your soon it seriously is my favoritest makeup product EVER!!!!!! The packaging is so nice, my cat's hair sticks all over it though even though its in a drawer =/ I want to try the Clinique curler!!I am using a very cheap one from super store but its my fav. Did you end up wearing anything you brought with you? Better to bring too much then too little!

    @Cerina-Yes yes you need it!!! it is such a good palette to have and works so well with everyone. I would like to see your eye looks with it! you do very pretty ones =)


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