AuGust EmpTies! - My Blog Spot

AuGust EmpTies!

5:00 AM

Finally another empties post! I had an overload of products and I have been trying to use them up or give them away! Here are my empties =)

*Bath & Body Works Pineapple Orchid
*Bath &  Body Works Pineapple Mango
I absolutely love these candles, they make my house smell so nice!! I will for sure repurchase these again.

*Brittany Spears Midnight Fantasy
*Bath & Body Works Sweet Pea
I love both of these perfumes and have another bottle of each in my bathroom =)

*Dove Flexible Hold Hairspray
*L'oreal Studio Max Volumizing Mousse
The hairspray has a terrible scent in my opinion and will not repurchase this product as well the Mousse didn't do anything special for me so I probably would not repurchase this.

*L'oreal Voluminous Waterproof Mascara
* L'oreal Voluminous Original Mascara
These are my ultimate favorite mascara's but I know L'oreal is not an animal friendly so I am trying to find something else to replace this with =/

Those are my latest empties, What were yours?

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  1. I love the midnight fantasy perfume :) Used it for quite a few years, get so many compliments from it, hardly use it now though ;/

    Lucy xx

  2. I've tried the mousse too, and felt the same way not impressed :/
    Great post.. i love how honest you are :)

  3. I never thought to include candles in my empties! I burn so many candles in the winter, but not so much in the summer.

    I really want the original Britney Spears Fantasy perfume but I will have to use up some more of my perfumes first, I have too much!

    I love L'Oréal Voluminous (I'm currently using the Carbonm Black version) but like you, I try to not purchase products from brands that test on animals as much as I can, even if we don't have lots of alternative here z=

  4. I don't think I have any empties this month however you just reminded me that I need more Bath and body works candles, they're my favorite :D

  5. WOW! I wish I could finish that much. :) Congrats on winning Gaby's giveaway!!

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  7. @LuccyLou-I agree it is sooo good!! I will repurchase it for a long time I think.

    @osxg33kgirl- Thank you =) It's just so much more helpful to just say it like it is!

    @Gaby-You should add the candles in your empties post, I love them!
    Good idea to use some of the perfume up, The good thing about the Fantasy perfume is I always find it on sale at shoppers for $19.99 so its such a reasonable price you can't go wrong!

    @Kysbel-lol they are freakin good hey? They discontinued the Cotton Candy one thought =,( I was so sad!!

    @VintageMakeup- Lol I have to start to try to use everything up, there is too much new stuff always coming out but it's so fricken hard to use it all up!! and thank you =) I am so excited!!!!!!

    @Lily- =) Thank you, I will check it out!


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