August Favorites - My Blog Spot

August Favorites

6:00 AM


I didn't have too many new products for August, I actually tried to use some older things I haven't used in a while and here is what I found myself using most.

Mac Satin Taupe Eye Shadow
This is my all time favorite eye shadow I have ever used! The color is amazing!

Too Faced La Vie En Rose Blush 
I have had this blush for over a year and I hardly put a dent in it!
These guys test their products on celebrities not animals =D

Elf Luscious Liquid LipStick-Baby Lips
Mary Kay-Eyesicles  eye color-Vanilla

From my August Luxe Box

Calvin Klein Forbidden Euphoria

That was really everything I found myself loving in August.

What was your August favorites?

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  1. Hi Taygan! I have MAC Satin Taupe eyeshadow as well but I hardly reach for it. I've really strayed away from Frost finishes (anything shimmery) for about a good year or so...I'm loving matte shadows and MAC Corduroy is my favourite. But I can see how Satin Taupe is a long time favourite by many ;)
    Wow you blush still looks like you started using it a few days ago!
    Omigosh, I have so many favourites LOL I think skincare has been a particular reach for me this month because I got sunburned in Maui :S I did use SPF45 waterproof sunscreen too so I'm surprised that I still got sunburned. Now I'm just peeling all over my back where I got burned so I'm pouring on that Aveeno Daily moisturizing lotion!

  2. Satin Taupe is SO gorgeous! I own it as well, it goes great with lots of things. :)

  3. I really want to try mac, but they are just so ridiculous expensive here
    elf is one of my favorite too this month.. maybe I should do my august favorites too haha

  4. Too Faced always has such cute packaging! :)

  5. @Karen- I do like Matte better as well but once in a while I LOVE this shadow.. I dont even know what the Corduroy looks like... I just did a google images search and you come up in the search! I was like hey that's Karen lol cool =D it is really pretty! If Mac wasn't so damn expensive I would run out and buy this.lol I know, I guess I don't put too much blush on when I use it? I've been using it fairly regular so it's odd it's hardly even dented.. ahhh that is terrible to get so burned and so crazy that you need stronger sunscreen then 45! but it probably would be worth it to be in Maui =) I hope it heals up soon!

    @WintageMakeup- I agree, I think it is such a nice color to have for everyone!

    @Osxg33kgirl-I hear you, I honestly SWEAR I paid like $28 for this one... YES INSANE!!!! And I had an american blogger friend tell me once they pay $14!! Are you kidding me?!? I wish it was that cheap.. so I can't imagine what you guys pay =/ Yes do an August fav's post!

    @Cerina-I know! The packaging totally made me buy it =)

  6. I love Satin Taupe!!! It's one of my favorites:) That Rose blush from Too Faced looks so pretty!! Thanks for sharing your favs!<3


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