August Randoms - My Blog Spot

August Randoms

6:00 AM

My Awesome Skull Ice Cubes!

 My Birthday cake!
 So true!
 My <3
 Much needed in the heat!
 BBQ With Friends

 Awesome Monster shirt!
Tiny lil frog I found!
Strawberry Margaretta
Veggie Burger with fries at Chilies-This was amazing btw!!
 Blink 182 Tour buses

Stickers they were handing out at the show

I needed a new Famous sticker so this was awesome =)

TRAVIS BARKER'S AUTOGRAPH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! =D =D =D =D
I need to do something cool with this,frame it maybe? Any ideas?

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  1. wow looks like an awesome b-day! :-D And thats pretty awesome that you got travis' autograph! Of course you have to frame it! with a really cool frame! haha ;-)

  2. Skull ice cubes, how cool! I once had a ice tray to make penis ice cubes LOL but unbfortunately, it was really cheap and it broke quickly.

    That Monster shirt looks amazing, where did you get it? I want one too!

    What a cute little frog!

    Strawberry margaretta and veggie burger, yum!

    And wow, Travis Barker's autograph? How awesome! Must have been lots of fun! You could frame the ticket or maybe include it in a scrapbook? I started a scrapbook in the past but I don't know, I lost motivation and stopped it, as I preferer my monthly posts (:

  3. oooo somebody was lucky!! :D

    Lucy x

  4. mmmmmmmm I want a slice of your cake! It looks delicious :)

  5. AHHH WHAT THEY MAKE SPECIAL SHAPED ICE CUBES??!! Haha freakin awesome! And awww what a cute lil frog :) yesterday I ran to walgreens and I saw little horny toads everywhere! I wanted to catch one but they were too fast and it was getting dark outside lol.

    WHOOOOO BLINK 182!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY YOU GOT TRAVIS' AUTOGRAPH haha yay! Hopefully something cool happens to me at their concert lol (probably not but i can only hope haha)

  6. @Themisstwist- I know hey!!! I just don't know what frame to use =/ but it will be pretty awesome..coolest thing I own!

    @Gaby- LOL I have seen those trays before!and a cake pan hahaha.
    My old boss got it for me when he went to Mexico,he said he HAD to buy it since i'm such a addict lol
    Thats a good idea, I could do some kinda collage type thing and frame it =D but that does sound like a lot of work lol..blogging is easier.

    @LucyyLou-That is the luckiest thing that has ever happened to me!! =D =D

    @Vintagemakeup-There is a little bit left come over for a piece ;) lol

    @Cerina-lol yes!!and they are fricken awesome!Thats funny to just see them out and about in the city! I never see them around here but I love them.
    =D Im so happy too!!!! You gotta wait by the buses right after the show!! seriously you could see them or get an autograph! Hey I wonder if the dudes that I met will be there? You could try to find them by the buses!

    @RedLipsBlackHair- haha I know they are my favorite!! I made a huge bag of them and they are just hanging in my freezer =)

  7. Omigosh Taygan! You got Travis' autograph?! That's awesome!! You should definitely frame it!!! Did you get a chance to talk to him much? :) And that must have been fun to go up to Edmonton to see them. My younger sister lives in Edmonton.
    Awww that's such a cute frog you found! He's soo tiny!
    You know, one of my favourite beers is just the regular Budweiser. I've complained to Dale that 90% of the time when I order Budweiser from a restaurant, they look at me and say, "Bud Light?" I'm like nooooo I like the regular Budweiser LOL They always assume Bud Light - must be way more popular I guess huh?
    I love your skull ice cubes by the way! Super cute :) The only cool ice cube tray I have is a huge princess diamond cut one....very girly LOL
    And your Birthday cake looks delicious. I hope all your Birthday wishes come true x

  8. It looks like your August was really great :)

  9. haha skull ice cubes are fab, and love the retro look pepsi too x x


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