Sunday Shopping Haul! - My Blog Spot

Sunday Shopping Haul!

11:02 AM

I have been quite absent from the whole blogging world if anyone really noticed...things get in the way and I just don't have much time for it lately but I personally think its okay to post randomly here and there. If you like reading someones blog you will be ok with them randomly blogging right?

Yesterday me and my bestie went to a bigger city an hour or so away from us to do a little summer shopping. She's pretty much the only person I ever shop with since I am not a huge fan sometimes of clothing shopping but it's always fun with good company.
Here's what I got! =D
oh frick these pictures are TERRIBLE!!! Does anyone else have a hard time taking pictures of clothing? I really do. sorry they are so crappy!

 I haven't bought like regular shorts for a while other then the last black pair I posted on here but this year I thought I would stock up. 
Kismet black shorts $29.00 with discount $26.55
Dynamite Denim Shorts $32.90 - a tad expensive but they are sooo comfy!

Apparently shopping took over my senses...
Silver jeans $100.00, $90.00 with discount
BUT they fit nicely and last so long I think it's worth it.

Kismet blue &Grey tank-$24.50 on sale for $11.02
Purple &Pink tank top $6 each from Sirens

 I think I could own a hundred of these plain tanks to layer.
Dynamite Tanks -$9.00 each

 Okay this is where it gets interesting...
We don't have a lot of Bench clothes around here but I freakin love them, the fit and quality is really nice and when my friend spotted this I was in love instantly! I don't really own a light coat like this and everything I own is black so I think this was perfect.
Bench Coat$159.00 on sale for $116.00! I didn't feel so guilty once I learned there was 30% off everything in the store =D

Of course we had to stop at Bath & Body Works, I had a $50 gift card and I spent that ridiculously easy.
2 candles for $30
Wild Strawberry & Pineapple Mango(AMAZING SMELL!)

Buy 3 get 3 free at Bath&Body Works so me and my friend split the cost for the 3 and each got 3 body sprays.
Wild Berry Tulips
Into The Wild
Malibu Heat
Also I FINALLY got my Tweezerman Tweezers from Sephora(we don't have one in my city) and honestly I think it was worth the splurge! $21

 Body By Vi Smoothy-YUM!

Boots Chillin in the Grass

 Checkin out the Boards 


 Playing around with my editing apps

 So cute when she lets me take a picture of her

Blahh Weather

Strawberry Pineapple Frozen Yogurt

Longboarding Last weekend

Cotton Candy Lollipop =D

There's my update in pictures. They have been on Instagram&Twitter so sorry if they are old news to you already!

What have you been up to?

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  1. What photo app do you use on instagram??

  2. Nice haul. Love all the photos. :)

    Check out my blog giveaway, you could win a pair of margarita capris from vibrant fitwear retail: $59.96-99.95


  3. ooooo nice! I love cute shorts! I need to get some! yeah I haven't been blogging either! must be something in the air ha ha :-P I'm mostly on facebook now :-P that and I don't get enough time to blog because blogging honestly takes time! time that lee takes away from me ha ha so I prioritize :-( but I do read blogs haha

  4. Love all the stuff you got! and really love those kitty pictures!!

  5. those tops from Sirens are just perfect summery tops!! love them! and that frozen yogurt looks like heaven haha!! looks like you had a successful day shopping wise!


    LoveFaye xoxo

  6. You got some lovely items :) I love the lining of the one set of shorts :)


  7. I love the bench coat! Totally worth the money :)

  8. YEAAAAAAAAHHHHH A haul! I love haul posts so much and I don't even know why... maybe because I don't get to shop a lot? LOL

    I haven't bought denim shorts in all my life I think as I prefer to turn old jeans that don't fit great on the knees anymore and turn them into shorts. The ones you got are pretty though - do I spy leopard print on the lining? =D

    The B&BW body sprays must smell yummy! They recently had an offer for a free Signature Collection travel size item of your choice and I picked up a body mist in the scent Sweet Pea which must be my favorite B&BW scent EVER and it lasts for ages on the skin for a body mist!

    I LOVE COTTON CANDY! That lollipop must have tasted amazing ahah!

  9. Love the shorts & tanks!
    The longboard is pretty legit too ;)


  10. Love all the pictures and the haul :D
    Btw you have to cutest cats :P

  11. You are right expensive jeans are worth it. You will keep them for years no matter how much you wash them or at least that's the plan :) Love everything you got, I think my puppy ate my tweezers or buried them in the yard :)

    Talk soon!

  12. Nice blog, your post and favorite bath collection are really super.


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