Random Empties - My Blog Spot

Random Empties

8:30 AM

Third time is a charm right? Why blogger needed to delete this post two other times is beyond me. So here we go again.

*L'OREAL ELNET Satin Hair Spray
Repurchase? Yes if it was on sale, I actually got this for $2.99 at Shoppers once and sometimes they are $12.99! I would not pay $12 for freakin hairspray.
*TRESEMME Heat Tamer Heat Protectant
Repurchase? Meh. If the price was right, I kinda swap heat protection products since they aren't too different to me from the other ones out there.
*MACADAMIA Deep Repair Masque
Repurchase? Hell yeah! LOVE this product!Helps repair my hair more then anything I have ever used.
*FRIZZ EASE Heat Defense Heat Protectant
Repurchase? nahhh I don't think it's worth the couple extra dollars then the Tresemme one.
*DR TEALS Epson Salt in Lavender
Repurchase? Yes, it smells sooo good!
*L'OREAL Sublime Bronzer
Repurchase? Yes, I do like to have a self tanner that is fool proof and washes off at the end of the day. Adds just enough extra color to my skin to not look like a total ghost.
*L'OREAL Voluminous Million Lashes
Repurchase? Yes, this mascara is one of my favorite drug store ones, but the brush can be a bit poky.

What were your latest empties?

Short & sweet by the third time...

Have a good weekend!!!!!!!!!!

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  1. ooo nice empties... I actually like the L'oreal mascara now that it dried a bit haha

  2. I have to try L'OREAL Sublime Bronzer..seriously i am such an idiot when it comes to self tanners lol

  3. I used to own that mascara but for some reason I never repurchased it :) I did really like it though :)

  4. Hi Taygan! I hope all is well with you Hun!
    That sucks that blogger deleted your post twice before. I wonder what it did that.
    I haven't tried the L'oreal ELNET hairspray. I agree the regular price of it is quite pricey. My younger sister used that hairspray and she said she found it rather sticky or it made it her stiff (or both?) so she didn't recommend it....I like a light hold hairspray and at the moment I'm using a Pantene Pro V one which isn't bad at all ;)
    I remember you raved about the Macadamia Deep Hair Repair Masque and it makes me want to try it! I'm always on the lookout for a great deep conditioner.
    I have the Dr. Teal's epsom salts too but I didn't know they had a lavender one! I'll have to keep that in mind when I run out of my large bag.
    My latest empties include my Juicy Couture Viva La Juicy perfume (it is too light scented so I went through the bottle like it was water!), my MAC lip balm (replaced by my HG Burt's Bees original lip balm) & MAC Select Moisture Cover Concealer. Lately I've been noticing that certain stores are promoting bringing in an empty beauty/skincare bottle to get a discount (like this weekend at The Bay) so I've been keeping a couple of extra empty bottles around - you may consider keeping a couple of extra empties too for promos like that :)

  5. i like jasmine hair spray. it gives good odor and be long time. I will try loreal because somebody say it is super. we should be stay beauty always.

  6. Wow, $2.99 is a darn good price for that Elnett hairspray, as you said, it's always so pricey!

    I've heard a lot of great things about those Macamadia products but I've been addicted to Marc Anthony Argan Oil treatment recently, it just works so amazingly well on my dry hair.

    Did you really used two heat protectants recently? That's crazy ahah but I also used up that Frizz Ease one and although it worked well, I'm glad it was a gift as for me, most heat protectants work the same.

    I'm not sure I understand those wash-off sel tanners? I have one from Bronze Ambition but because I'm so lazy, I think it's too much of a hassle for only a day ahah

  7. Just because you're a celebrity now since I interviewed you doesn't mean you can stop posting :) Hope you are feeling better! Talk soon.

  8. I'm so happy to hear that the Macadamia stuff works for you too! I always hear great things about it. I think I'm finally going to just give in and get myself some of their products! :D


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