HAUL TIME...Fisheye Lens Style - My Blog Spot

HAUL TIME...Fisheye Lens Style

12:15 AM

It's been a while. Shopping just kind of happened the last couple weeks and here is a random fisheye lens haul =D 

 I know Ardenes is cheap crap but for flip flops and things fine by me. 3 pairs for $10 and I got the cute little wallet thingys for $5 each. I even bought my sis one =D

 My beloved ORB bag, I spent weeks and weeks pondering this purchase of $66! Yeah yeah I know who is going to say WHAT YOU SPENT that one a BAg!?!? Well I am a cheap ass but this is the first bag I have ever spent more then $20 on so whatever. It has cute cheetahish print inside too.

I think I own a 1000 tank tops but when they are $8 can't really go wrong. First one is from Dynamite it was on sale for $10 the yellow and black racer back ones are from Joe for $8 each.
This is my other addiction, hoodys! Does anyone else ever have the problem of buying hoodys and they get all bunched up on the zipper even though you do not put them in the dyer and it looks like you have a major beer gut? This one actually doesn't do that thankfully so I paid the ridiculous price of like $80! Yikes but I love Bench so whateveerrrr.

These are sooo cute minus the cat hair in the pic! Kismet black shorts $30. Hopefully they look better on me once I get some color, im sooooooooo pale :(

and of course my FAVORITE:

Olloclip for iPhone! It's soo fun for Instagram!!! It is fisheye,Macro and wide angle

What was your latest purchases?


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  1. Love this post :) I love cheap flip flops!! I used to buy expensive ones but they broke all the time so I only buy lots of cheap ones so I'm not upset when they break lol!! I'm obsessed with sweatshirts too!! I always seem to shrink them though!!

  2. Aaaah I love those wallets.. especially the one with owl on it :D TOO CUTE :D

  3. Ooooh that remids me, I need new fli-flops, mine broke last summer, need to go to Ardène soon! That bag look pretty with the leopard print inside! And that Bench hoodies, I love it, absolutely my stle as well! I love haul posts (:

  4. Haha love the fish eye effect :D I am not a huge flip flop fan cause i think they hurts between my toes :/

  5. I hadn't heard of the Olloclip for the iPhone so that's pretty neat! I know how much you love Instagram so I bet it'll come in handy for you ;) I haven't logged into Instagram for agesss by the way!
    Congrats on getting yourself a new (and your priciest!) handbag yet! It'll match so many of your outfits for sure ;)
    Oh and I love flip flops as well! I'm always wearing this one pair of flip flops I got in the States from a store called Bass.

  6. The flipflops + little wallets are freakin' adorable! I want some!!


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