Random Drugstore Buys! - My Blog Spot

Random Drugstore Buys!

6:52 AM

Sometimes I am glad I don't live in the U.S because seriously you guys have such amazing shopping, and for some strange reason I have an obsession with drug stores, I ALWAYS want to go in them and check out what they have! Anyone else?
There are so many more options in American ones too then Canadian ones so my bank account would hate me if I lived there!

These are just some random things I found on sale, I totally believe in buying things on sale rather then full price, and use coupons! 

First I was at Shoppers Drug Mart
*GARNIER FRUCTIS Crystal  Resist Hair Spray- $2.99 (  I realized after it is even cheaper at Walmart)
*RIMMEL Scandal Eyes $6.74, I am not sure what the regular price is but it said it was on sale, and I since I have no self control I purchased this!
*GARNIER FRUCTIS Color Shield- $2.99 (again it was like 2.75 at walmart, ops) I know these products aren't cruelty free but I am having a hard time finding decent priced things some days and sadly $ wins sometimes =(  This works really well to detangle my crappy hair and help keep color lasting.
*BATISTE my <3 in Blush -$6.99 totally didn't NEED this but for $3 cheaper then regular and I know I will use it I mays well!

Okay this brush is INSANE! I think it's as big as my hair brush!;) I always think I like massive brushes but I really don't sadly so far I am not loving this. I will try it more and see if I can figure out why I think I like fat brushes but I think its not good unless you have some crazy full lashes which I do not =(

*LIVE CLEAN Sweet Pea Hand Soap -$4.99. Okay this stuff is EFFING amazing! It smells delicious,makes your hands soft and it is free from all that crap that shouldn't be in products we put on us! Cruelty free as well. Very nice soap!
*Lindt Snow Balls- $0.99. Okay who's bright idea was this? Jerkface! I seriously will eat this in like 10 minutes.Sure didn't need these but man are they good!

REDKEN Color Extend $19.99. Okay I am completely fed up of buying a million different shampoo's and seeing my color run down my shower drain. I know there is no solution to completely save your color but I refuse to use drug store shampoo's any longer. This isn't going to stop my color from leaving my hair but I know it works and this bottle will last me for like a year I bet. I still have the conditioner I purchased almost a year ago, I don't use it every wash but every couple I do and they last for so long.

That is all my drug store purchases for the past few weeks. What was the latest you've bought??

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  1. I love Batiste Blush! I hated most of the other scents I've tried (Tropical...*vomits*) but I really like that scent :)

  2. That Batiste stuff is THE BEST! This is a great haul :) I have that mascara, but I haven't had a chance to try it out yet.

  3. I love that Batisse Dry Shampoo in Blush, I use it all the time, has become my all time fave! Thanks for sharing your goodie buys:)

  4. wow thats a huge mascara wand.. i was going to buy this the last time i was in shoppers but didn't! I wish my shoppers drug mart had batiste!

  5. You are not alone!
    Just yesterday I dragged my friend to Uniprix, Jean coutu and Pharmaprix...lol
    I love drugstores!!

  6. Oooh you got some interesting things! I'm interested in this Rimmel mascara only because of the packaging... and that brush looks amazing! I always tend to prefer super big brushes too but I agree with you, sometimes they are just too big!

    I'm trying to use baby powder instead of sry shampoos because the cost of those adds up pretty quickly and also the ones in spray form like Batiste tend to get used up so quickly! I bought a big bottle of baby powder at the drugstore for $1 and the only ingredients are talc and fragrance so you know what you put into your hair (even though I've heard talc isn't good for your health but then why is it in baby products? Hmm...)

    What hair dye are you using? I never had that problem of the color not staying in my hair except for red but then again it would not run down the drain, it would simply fade even though I used color protection products and all. Aren't you dying your hair black? That's strange!

  7. ...OOOO chocolate although i do like the mascara


  8. Great buys... I think I would go crazy too if I lived in the US... I would have to be filthy rich lol...
    mmm those snow balls looks gooooooood

  9. I live in the U.S and I love drugstore.I love sales and all that.I always want to go and see any deals there may be.

  10. Hi Taygan! Redken hair products have been great for me. I seriously I need to finish my stash of hair products and get some more Redken products.
    I've seen the brand Live Clean before but haven't tried any of their products. That's great to know that it works really well for you :) I'll have to keep that in mind!
    Yeah, I'm totally addicted to drug stores too - even just to go in and browse. You're right - the USA has sooo many different drug stores. We only have like Shoppers Drug Mart (which is seriously overpriced unless it's on sale) and Pharma Plus/Rexall. Thankfully Buffalo is so close to the border here :) I love to do most of my shopping/stocking up in the States!

  11. I hope that Redken works for you, because I am back blonde now because my red/brown kept fading it faded faster than my roots grow in with the blonde hair hehe...

    Be sure to buy lots of goodies if you go shopping this weekend:)

  12. Great stuff T ;)

    I saw this mascara when I was checking out the Kate Moss collection. I wasn't impressed by the name or the packaging. So, I'm glad I didn't pick it up!

  13. @Silhouettescreams- LOL vomiting in my comments hey! ;) I agree with you the blush is really nice!

    @Prettyinthedesert- =D I am curious if you will like it, i really wanted too but ehhhh.

    @Tenaca- It's fricken amazing! I wish the one for dark hair was more available that one is the best!

    @Themisstwist- If you don't love massive brushes save your money, I am not impressed with it =/ aww they don't have it =( Mine didn't have it like 6 months ago but i am so happy they do..hopefully yours will!

    @PtiteMeve- lol that's good to hear! They are just addicting even to browse around in =)

    @Gaby- The packaging definitely caught my eye! But sadly its just a ridiculously large brush =/
    Baby powder is so great! ooo I didn't realize talc was in it ( i didn't read ingredients) and that cant be good for babies!Strange!! Those little bottles last FOREVER I swear!
    I have been using the Clariol Vibrant, it isn't permanent i think that's why color washes out. But I feel its a bit less damaging on my hair and since I dye it once a month I don't really need permanent.

    @Mrajbx3- =D Chocolate is always good hey?

    @Osxg33kgirl-LOL I know right! they have sooo many options and sooo much stuff and its way cheaper so you would buy way more! and they were sooo good lol.

    @Pinkbeauty_love- =D You guys have so many options there its crazy, i bet when there are sales they are really good!

    @Karen- =) it is so hard to use up all your hair products sometimes! But Redken is just good! can't go wrong.
    I know our options are crap, I like London drugs but there aren't ones everywhere so it kinda sucks. Shoppers is soooo over priced omg!
    Buffalo would be so nice to go to and pick up some things you need!

    @Mrs.makeup-ooo back to blonde are you! hopefully you can keep up with that color...are you still taking your supplements for your hair? is that why it grows so much? ooo I did too much online shopping this wknd!! lol.

    @NoraSchu- =D you are stronger then me! lol I liked the orange I guess, but it was a waste of $7 I would say =/

  14. Yes!!!! Even if I know I cant really afford to buy anything I'll stop in the drugstore because I cant help it. Then end up buying at least one thing. Its really an addiction lol. Thats what I tell my mom anyway :p


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