Favorite Bath and Body Works at The MoMent! - My Blog Spot

Favorite Bath and Body Works at The MoMent!

6:09 AM

For Xmas I did get a few B&BW things which I LOVE and always want more of, here is a new scent I am L O V I N G!!

How do I describe this?! I have no idea where to even start with that one. But it is a little different , maybe floralish? Smell it next time you go to B&BW! it's very nice.
My older sister got me the Body wash,Body spray and Body Lotion for xmas =D I was very excited for these!!

SWEET PEA. My all time favorite, I think i own everything that they have made in sweet pea and probably doubles of a lot of things. LOVE this scent!!!!
My bf had gotten me 4 little body butters (he said they were sold out of the big ones. One of them is at work so only 3 in the pic!) for Xmas and my mom actually got me the big body butter and a bubble bath for Xmas! I was very grateful for these, they are my fav =) But I am going to have to say the Body Shop Body Butters are a bit more moisturizing, at least the coconut one is to me.

What is your favorite Bath and Body Works Scent?

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  1. Nice! I love their sweet pea scents- I always walk by and get suckered into going inside!


  2. ok, i need to stop reading your B&BW posts! haha you make me want some and I don't even have one near by! haha

  3. Ooooh I remember smelling the Sweet Pea lotion when I went to B&BW for the first time ever to check out their Boxing Day sale LOL and I thought it was yummy, I wouldn't have expected it to be sweet! Really nice but I have TONS of body products to use up already and it drives me crazy!

  4. BE ENCHANTED has such cute packaging! :) I've never tried either of these scents, but I'll have to!

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  6. Oh how cool! My favorite is moonlight path but I LOVE floral scents. I'll have to check this one out. :) I will wear anything rose scented too! I don't care if it smells granny-ish. LOL!

  7. I love Be enchanted! I now want the whole set after gettin the mini from the sale =)

  8. I kinda hate going I there sometimes it's too overwhelming LOL I'll let ppl help me pick the scents haha I'll stick to my baby oil and avenoo LOL boring I know haha but yea my nose can't take strong scents so k can't go into places like lush either I will Sophicate><.. I feel sorry for ppl who work there lol althought I love the products lol

    Ps. Never heard it pan am but I love watch stuff I will watch it soon before school gets HECTIC LOL



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