Soap & Glory Cosmetics - My Blog Spot

Soap & Glory Cosmetics

9:42 AM


Here are some new things that I hope head to Canada soon.... I have been wanting to try out their makeup products the second I heard they were out in the UK.
I don't know if I am super late on this but I have been wanting to try these....

There is just something that has always pulled me into their products, probably the packaging is the culprit on that. But I always find myself picking them up but not actually letting myself buy the damn things since they are soooo expensive! I hope these items aren't as pricey.
They are all pictures from Soapandglory.com and everything is in pounds but If I did my math right (which I probably didn't) They are around $20-$25 Canadian =/ Except the Eyeliner is around $10 With those prices i probably won't get to try many. 
They still look really nice as always and I have heard positive reviews on them so I will see but they are on my wish list for now!

Have you been lucky to test any of these out yet?

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  1. I figured the way to successfully comment on ur blog with my fone!! Wooohooo!

    I never knew they had makeup till now!!!.. I really want to try the shadow n concealer!... My fav body scrub is their flake away scrub but they jacked up the price!!!.. Used to be 9.99 now it's 18.99... Wthhhhhhhh!!! :(.. Now I have to search for another one :(...all their other body stuff doubled in price too probably :(.

    Anyways still love it tho :P

  2. I've seen a couple of posts on the soap & glory make up line and am tempted to go check it out, the shower stuff smells SO good I'm hoping this line will smell nice too haha!x

  3. will deffo pick some of these up next time im in the UK. the packaging is just so cute and retro! xx

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  4. I've heard such mixed reviews about this line! I might try a few of the cheaper items!


    LoveFaye xoxo

  5. I've never heard of it and therefor never tried it, but if you get a chance to try it, i would be happy to read about it =D

  6. The only Soap & Glory makeup item I own is the Sexy Mother Pucker (plumping) lipgloss and I love it!

  7. i am guilty of buying things just because of packaging! haha Soap&Glory has such vute packaging for their face and body products! Everything is so 1950's! I'm so in love with pin up girls and that decade so of course I lust over them lol ;D

  8. Is their makeup range new?! I think it's the package that draws me to these products but honestly, I'm not sure I understand the hype around them.


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