Random New Products I am trying out! - My Blog Spot

Random New Products I am trying out!

10:40 PM

New to me products!
I have been on the hunt for a good facial serum that might help my skin look amazing...Does that even exist or are some people just born with nice skin? I am beginning to wonder!
I have read some reviews on a bunch of different ones, so I was kind of lost at what to look into. Since they are crazy expensive I don't want to blow a bunch of $$ on something that might totally suck. I was at one of my local drug stores and the lady working there raved about Lancome Visionnaire and told me I could have a sample of that as well as the Genifique. I of course feel guilty for trying these since they are not a cruelty free company, but it is EXTREMELY hard to cut them all out of your life... I mean there are a lot more then just beauty products being tested on animals. There is laundry soap to plastic bags to air fresheners to pet food to cleaners to dish washing detergent that test on animals, the list goes on and on.It is really upsetting and I really don't know how to cut everything out at once. So I am attempting the best I can with actually purchasing cruelty free products when I can but I do believe we need to attempt it with everything we use not just beauty products =/ . 
But I did decide I would try thees samples out, as well with a couple other things I had purchased.

*LANCOME VISIONNAIRE0-Advanced Skin Corrector
*MAYBELLINE CHIC NATURALS- Tastefully Taupe-$3.99 (On sale)

*CLEAN&CLEAR MARK TREATMENT-$4.99 (With a coupon for $3 off)
*AQUAFINA LIP BALM-$1.25 for 2 (Dollarama!) So strange to me that Aquafina makes lip balm!But I actually really like it.
*LIP SMACKERS LIP FROSTING in Birthday-$1 (Also Dollarama) Okay this isn't new to me but I haven't had it for years! And for a dollar why not!

Does anyone know of a great facial serum??? I need help! =D

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  1. I've used the aquafina lip balm before and liked it.

  2. No I don't unfortunately! :-( Maybe take a look online and see what is available to you... I wanted to look for a nice undereye cream to stop wrinkles from happening! haha

  3. i LOVE lancomes genifique.. it works wonders on your skin.. definatly worth an investment !

    love your blog too!

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  4. I've heard great deals about that St. Yves cleanser, I hope it works for you as green tea is supposed to be great for the skin.

    The Maybelline eyeshadow looks pretty even though I never had a really good experience with their eyeshadow (all so sheer!)

    Hmmm the Lip Frosting looks yummy!

    I wouldn't worry about completely cutting out products tested on animals of your life because there will always be something missing or not working as well as a product tested on animal (like Nice N Easy for me)! At least we try hard!

  5. I totally know what you mean Taygan. If it weren't for Dale in my life I wouldn't be able to afford all the luxury skincare items I have. I'm currently using Estee lauder serums (the advanced night serum and the idealist) in addition to Estee Lauder night creams. It's not a miracle...I think Dale has seen better results with the serums on his skin since he's older...but one thing that's great for me with the EL serums is that it hasn't broken out my skin (I tend to get a few zits if it's too moisturizing), my skin feels really nice and I *think* it has helped the appearance of my skin...of course, not to the point where I don't need foundation or concealer :S I've also tried the Oil of Olay Regenerist Serum and night cream that's highly raved about - not much of a result and that's after using about 3 bottles of those products each....I have heard some good things about the Lancome Genefique so let us know how it goes :)

  6. @CanadianDailyDeals- =) I really like it too, it's fairly thin formula but I find it works well!

    @TheMissTwist- Yes we need to find something before we hit the 3 0 mark! I don't even like those numbers beside each other lol. If you find anything let me know =)

    @Vivaglam1008-I am thinking I agree with you! My skin feels softer and less oil since i've been using this! and thank you =)

    @Gaby- So Far I am liking it! My skin isn't perfect yet lol but it's alright... OK ok now I know what you mean with the sheerness! This barely even shows up on me =( It's such a pretty color but to try to pack it on isn't all that fun.
    And thank you, that makes me feel a bit better about not being as guilty when I use evil products. =/

    @Karen- ahh good to know! I like Estee Lauder( the couple things I have tried) but maybe it's not as useful when we aren't a littler older or something yet? I think I have given up on Olay, they always seem like they have amazing products (good advertising!) and then when you use them they are just ehhh ok. So far I am really liking both of the Lancome products! I have a friend who works at the Bay and she told me to come by for some more samples =) So I just might do that Saturday!


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