What I am loving! - My Blog Spot

What I am loving!

1:00 AM

Okay I watch too much tv.. honestly 90% of the time when I blog I have the tv on...and I think I blog a lot so that's a lot of tv! I have been loving a few series this year and I REALLY think you should check them out!!

Clearly if you know me at all you would know I LOVE anything comedy related. There is nothing better then laughing,it is by far my favorite thing to do. I got into 30 Rock later then I would  have if I gave it a try sooner. It is FREAKIN funny!!!
I LOVE Tina Fey she is a riot. I saw these at Walmart for $15 so I bought seasons 1-4 and watched them all within like 3 weeks.

Breaking Bad is my ALL TIME FAVORITE show I have ever watched! When I hear people say they have never seen it, it seriously shocks me because it is so amazing and I think everyone should watch it!!

Dexter used to be my favorite show until Season 5 happened. Not my fav. BUT I do love it still and season 6 is really good so far.. I really recommend this show as well!

The Big C is probably more of a chick show but it is funny,sad and witty all in one. Sometimes it makes you laugh but then a few minutes later you want to cry or wonder wtf?! I think this show is pretty different then most drama's I have watched and I think it's really worth checking out!

It's always Sunny In Philadelphia is FREAKING funny!!!! You have to enjoy stupid humor and it took me a few episodes to get into it but I am on season 7 and wow it is one of my favorite shows ever!

What is your favorite tv show?

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  1. My current favorites are : It's Always Sunny, Curb Your Enthusiasm
    and Arrested Development.

    I used to love Two & a Half Men but stopped watching when Charlie Sheen left.

    I have a few more guilty pleasure, but I won't go there :P

  2. I *LOVE* 30 Rock! I always go to quote it but none of my friends watch it! D: I used to love Dexter but fell behind and need to rewatch it from the start, and my dad has some Breaking Bad dvds that I need to borrow...

  3. haha im such a tv junkie too. I have to start dexter soon =D
    I've been watching a bit of falling skies uh and The walking dead just started up again woop

    Uh I have a lot of guilty pleasures that are way too embarrassing hahaha

  4. @Nora- wahoo you like It's always sunny too =D I forget about Curb sometimes but I own all the box sets except this season obviously..sometimes I want to hit Larry lol. I should get into Arrested Development!

    @SilhouetteScreams- My mouth tastes like purple lol no one I know really watches it either =( it's AWESOME!!
    You def need to catch up on Dexter and watch Breaking Bad!! =D

    @Osxg33kgirl-Let me know what you think of it if you do!We are watching Walking dead too but I don't love it =/ I have never heard of Falling Skies but maybe I will see what it's like!

  5. I love Dexter! It's such a unique show! Lately I haven't been watching as much tv as before but I still love watching reruns of the office, and friends

  6. I love 30 Rock too! :) Haven't seen it in a while though!

  7. we don't have these in my country. Iam a tv junkie too. I love greys anatomy and the big bang theory!


    I am so glad to know you watch it!! I just recently started watching it! I finished all three seasons on Netflix but now I am so sad because I don't have access to AMC and I cant watch season 4.. hopefully it comes to Netflix soon!!
    Jesse Pinkman is my favorite character <3 he is so funny. I always laugh how he says "BITCH" after like every single thing he says.
    But the best part about the show is that its filmed in my hometown and current residence!! ABQ New Mexico!! :P it's so fun recognizing the buildings and stuff. El Pollo Hermanos is actually a Twisters Burrito place by my sisters work! so awesome! Haha ahh I am so happy you watch this show!
    But believe me, our state is pretty nororious for having a ton of meth haha it's not just the show. :-0

  9. Love 30 Rock Tina Fey is a great actress hehe. I won't even go into how funny Tracey Morgan is hehe

  10. I agree, The Big C is a good show about life - you feel so many things when watching it!

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  11. PolaBerry- I agree, it is so different then what else is on and it gets pretty intense!! I like to watch those too, you have seen them all but you know they are still funny =)

    @Vintagemakeup-I am hoping season 6 starts...do you know they are having a season 6?

    @Penny-aww no? Maybe youtube them? Greys Anatomy is a good one too!

    @Cerina- I am just in aw that it is filmed there!!!that is freaking awesome, go meet Jesse!!! I love him too, he REALLY ANNOUNCEATES ( I cant even spell that lol) his words. And even cooler that place is near your sisters work!! Do you guys ever see them filming? How amazing =D The season finale was pretty crazy hey??? Did Walt do it?!?!!?

    @MrsMakeup-I know she is hilarious!!! I love her and Tracey, I actually really like all of the characters on that show its damn funny!

    @Marie-I am like itching for Season 3 to start NOW lol I cannot believe how season 2 ended!!


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