DIY Canvas Art - My Blog Spot

DIY Canvas Art

8:57 AM

I hope this doesn't totally bore you guys but I thought it was really awesome and had to try it out!!
This is my Extremely quick attempt at this so don't fully judge it if you don't think it looks amazing! It's okay if you don't but I think it could look a lot better if I tried a bit more.
I was searching on Pinterest.com and I found this wicked idea for making your own canvas art. I LOVE canvas art!!  Clearly I know nothing about art but if I like it that's all I really need.
Okay mine is honestly not even the slightest bit comparable to the one I found on Pintrest so maybe check hers out after you see my pictures so you don't get your hopes up lol.

Here is what you will need:

*Mod Podge (a smaller container would be good, I just had this at home)
*Paint if you wish to paint the canvas, I chose black of course. This was $2.99 at Walmart
*A Paint Brush-$2.99 for a Pack at Walmart
*Photos or Photo Paper to print off the picture- I really think you could use dollar store photo paper, my sister swears by that stuff but I was already at Walmart so I just picked up Canon Photo Paper Glossy. 50 sheets for $10
*And a Canvas! I didn't take a picture of it because I didn't think I would be blogging about it. I purchased mine from Walmart, a 2 pack for $6.99  and they were too big for my 4x6 photos were but I made it work. If you can get the photo and the canvas the same size you will have better luck!

As well I didn't take step by step pictures =( Since I didn't know how this would even turn out!! But all the info is on the web site I will link at the bottom after you see mine! lol.

 Please excuse the glare from the mod podge it is a little glossy! but of course I had some pictures of Tom Travis and Mark laying around the house =D I thought I would use them =D and they are crazy hot so why wouldn't I right? ;)

Okay this one would have been super rad if my printer wasn't being evil and would have let me print the lyrics a bit larger =( but it we fought and it won. I had to finally back down before  I went office space on this printer!
This is a verse from a Blink 182 song-surprise surprise right? lol

Feelin This:
Fate fell short this time
Your smile fades in the summer
Place your hand in mine
I'll leave when I wanna

Okay so be honest what do you think of it?
I did this in about 20 minutes just because I had to let the canvas dry from painting it.

Quick steps on how to do this:
  • Paint canvas or leave white
  • Once canvas is dry paint on one layer of Mod Podge
  • Wait for Canvas to dry
  • Next paint Mod Podge on back of photo, not too thick but enough to cover the whole pack.(This is why you need photo paper since regular paper would probably tear and get to soggy)
  • Place photo on canvas where you are wanting the placement to be.Then gently press down or smooth photo with a soft cloth to prevent bubbles.
  • Next paint a thin layer of Mod Podge over the photo and any space left on canvas like I had. 
  •  Let try and all done =D
 This is such a good thing for baby photos or maybe wicked album covers or different sayings or lyrics! I love these =)
Let me know what you think and here is the link to the amazing one I found Bluecricketdesign

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  1. This is a really good idea I mean you could do three of them and hang them up! Good job! :-)

  2. I think its cool.. good idea :)
    really like the last one :D

  3. These are great! :)

    Lucy x

  4. @TheMissTwist-This would be super cute to do with family pictures or kids or something...hint hint ;)

    @Oskg33girl- =D You could even do a xmas one ;)

    @LucyyLou-Thanks girlie =)

    @HeyMyNameIsMatt- haha no but I wish I was ;)I am just a really big fan!!

  5. I really do love this idea! I'm glad you decided to blog about this, too. I've been trying to figure out pretty cheap ways to get some wall art on my walls and this is it!

  6. This looks awesome and I loooooove those lyrics, one of my favorites!

  7. Hi Taygan! Wow that's a really neat job you did with the Canvas Art. I think you did a fantastic job for your first time in just 20 minutes! It looks great like a really nice picture/poster to hang up. Dale actually bought a canvas picture for a couple of his friends a month ago which he bought at a store - and this really reminded me of it :) I hope you're having a lovely start to your week x

  8. I LOVE THIS!!!
    Dayum they all look so hot haha you got some really good pics of them :D
    i love travis's piercings and I wish Mark still had his lip ring like in the video "I Miss You"
    Piercings are hot and i wish work was more accepting of them hahah. I love the lyrics you picked out too. :) Feeling this is one of my favorites along with "Down" and "I Miss You" :-)

  9. ***ahhh i mean tom hahaha not mark!

  10. @Joann-Hey stranger! I haven't heard from you forever! yay I am glad you might be able to do something with this post! You should do a post if you do make your own =)

    @Gaby- =D I agree! There are so many tattoos too of the whole Fate Fell Short, I love it!

    @Karen-Well thank you! I think this could turn out really nice with flowers or black and white photos maybe? I am certainly happy its almost the weekend lol. I hope your week is good too!

    @Cerina- CERINA <3! I am glad you saw this, of course I think of you when there is Blink things around me! I agree so much that Tom should have kept his lip ring! He is unbelievably HOTT!!! and Mark needs to get a fricken piercing already =)


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