Mark Berry Grand Exfoliating Beads Review - My Blog Spot

Mark Berry Grand Exfoliating Beads Review

6:00 AM

I had purchased Mark's Berry Grand Exfoliating Beads over a year ago, if not longer. Used it once or twice and under my sink it went. I recently have been using up or getting rid of products I have been packing around and not using. Since I had read Cerina's Review recently I remember I had this and thought I needed to use it or toss it.
I paid around $12 for this, I remember when I was purchasing it I thought man this is pricey but it looks really nice.

Super Exfoliating beads, it actually kinda freaked me out the second time around looking at this, I was like who these look like little rocks or sand. I was thinking it was going to do some damage to my face.... But I was surprised it wasn't harsh at all.

What you do is mix a small amount with your cleanser in your hand, rub on face and rinse off.
I could feel such a difference in my face after using this, it was super soft and felt very clean!
The "Beads" do soften up a lot so they aren't as tough as they look! In my opinion if you can use St.Ivs apricot scrub then you could easily use this, I find it less abrasive then that stuff. I do like a stronger scrub for my skin as I do not have overly sensitive skin.

The packaging is alright. It is easy to pour out the product but I did find I was getting more out then needed.

A big downfall to this product is the container looks like there is a lot inside but when you flip it over there is a huge hole in the center! Kind of a rip off... I mean I probably won't be using this super fast but I think they should have just made a smaller container and get rid of the hole.
I also don't like the mess, it kind of felt like I had sand all over my shower. I had to make sure I got everything down the drain when I was done...i'm a bit of a neat freak but it's not unbearable.
The smell isn't overly nice either, I can't even smell the Cranberry or Pomegranate.
Would I repurchase? No
Would I recommend? Yes if you like a little bit stronger of an exfoliant then what most drug stores carry.
As much as this wasn't a wow product for me, I will use it up because it is alright, just not amazing for my skin type.

Have you tried this before?

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  1. I prefer something more abrasive as a face scrub and I have found that baking soda works amazingly well at a fraction of the price!

    Love those "artsy" pics (:

  2. I've tried this apricot scrub from st.ives that lee had bought for himself and I can't use it. Its too harsh for my skin I feel like I'm using a sander on it! haha And thats kind of silly that they put a big hole in the bottom of it! I haven't tried any mark products... I've always wanted to!

  3. I'd like to try is because most exfoliators don't work for me. :) I need something stronger!

  4. Aww thanks for linking to me! lol
    I really like this stuff :D I agree that it was pretty darn expensive though..And i don't know what the point of that stupid hole at the bottom is for.
    I actually like this stuff a lot more than St. Ives scrub.. to me, its not as harsh :)
    great review! :D

  5. Call me weird but I like abrasive because my skin is acne prone and oily so it takes a lot to get in there but I haven't tried this. I may try it, I don't know anyone who sells Mark or Avon personally who could give me a sample maybe? Something to think about hehe

  6. @Gaby-I agree, I don't know why but harsher face scrubs are good!! And I really have never tried baking soda, great idea! I wonder if it is like the Dermalogica powder scrub I have? Thanks =) I think if my camera was better it would have looked pretty good!

    @Themisstwist-Some people just can't stand that scrub, it is pretty gritty but there is a lot better out there that's for sure. I think the Mark lip glosses are my fav!

    @Miranda-It's different, I thought it was odd I had to add it to a cleanser

    @Vintagemakeup-This might work great for you then =) The beads do soften up once wet but I think it's pretty strong still!

    @Cerina-Of course =) you reminded me I that I still had it, so it's all you lol. I agree that this is much better then st. Ives scrub. The hole pisses me off lol but I think it should still last decently long =/

    @Mrsmakeup-hah I am beginning to think most people are liking the more abrasive scrubs! I think you can order it online from avon/mark but it might be more expensive? Beeisforbeeauty from Youtube sells it, shes super duper sweet! You could always ask her =)


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