L'oreal Ever Pure Volume Shampoo Review - My Blog Spot

L'oreal Ever Pure Volume Shampoo Review

5:00 AM

L'oreal Ever Pure Sulfate-Free Color Care System
Volume Shampoo

Anti-Fade System
No Harsh Salts
Natural Bontaicals
 I had bought this last month and decided to only go for the shampoo since I have enough conditioner kicking around. I paid $6.99 .
I was thinking this would be great since it is anti-fade and I color my hair all the time. I have fine hair so the volume part would be good (even though it never works!)
The smell is okay, it is Rosemary Juniper-No idea how to describe that one, it's different but I don't mind it and I think it just washes out when you rinse.

I enjoyed how this shampoo was a little creamy rather then the clear kind. I always feel like the cleansing shampoo's that are clear strip more gunk out of your hair then the creamy ones so they aren't as good for everyday use. This actually does suds up fairly decent for a sulfate free shampoo so that was nice. It just feels cleaner when you see suds.

This part surprised me the most, It is 100% Vegan. I am have not fully crossed over to the safe products that do not test against animals but I am trying to get there. I have always bought L'oreal products so I was very sad to hear they test on animals. But it does seem like they are attempting to change that. I found this from Peta.org, it made me feel a bit better and I like how you can write to L'oreal to let them know how we care about them using vegan/cruelty free products! You can do that Here if you like.

Now for the negatives, I did find that a lot of color was going down the drain with this shampoo, I didn't find it to be overly anti-fade proof at all. So I do switch this up with my Joico color safe shampoo.
There was no added volume-but I didn't expect that anyways. 
Over all I do think this is a good shampoo, it is healthier for your hair with less chemicals and if it is 100%Vegan for the decent price I am sold. 
Will I repurchase? Possibly if I don't find a good sale on salon brand shampoo.

Have you tried anything from their Ever Pure Line?

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  1. I've wanted to try this but that sucks that you noticed your color going down the drain! booo

  2. Oh I didn't know L'Oréal was planning to stop testing on animals, how awesome! Like you, I'm slowly making the effort to stp purchasing products that test on animals. Of course, I won't just throw everything away, but once used up, I won't repurchase.

  3. I didn't try this line yet, but thank you for the review.

  4. @Themisstwist-Maybe it was just the type of dye I used last time? I am wanting my color to wash out faster then it should so maybe this will help? lol

    @Gaby-I didn't really know that either until I google this product since it said 100% Vegan, so hopefully they will start trying to head in that direction asap.

    @Marina- =)


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