Another One? - My Blog Spot

Another One?

6:00 AM

If you aren't enjoying my music obsession posts i'm sorry =( 

I listen to music all day long at work, on my iPod so I am forever searching for good music, and I like almost anything other than country so I find good songs often, maybe that is my blahh taste of music? ;)

I have been enjoying the poppy punk(if you can even call it that) lately.. I am not really sure what you can call it but I like it! =)


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  1. I'm a new follower! Nice blog. :)

  2. I like your music posts! I think we have a similar taste in music pretty much. You should do like a post on what your top 5/10 favorite bands are :)

  3. @Yumna-Thanks =) I will check out yours too!

    @Cerina- That is a great idea!! I will for sure do that =) you should do one too!

  4. I like it.... sometimes I don't comment because I'm in the midst of doing it then lee gets on the computer and I forget all about commenting! I LIKE your posts that you do!! <3


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