July Favorites!! - My Blog Spot

July Favorites!!

11:43 AM

Summer is always feeling like it is over when July ends were I live... we haven't had much of a summer and didn't go over 26'C this year which is odd but there isn't much to do in the heat anyways around here =/
Here were my July favorites:

I Absolutely Love this Elf powder Brush, I did a make up swap with Mercedes and she got me this brush =) Thank you so much I LOVE IT!! I also am loving the Makeup Forever HD Powder.It is a light finish that makes my skin look really nice.

Sun Laboratories Ultra Dark Self Tanning Lotion is my love! I have been using this so much this summer since there hasn't been much sun and its much safer then real tanning.
SoftSoap Body Butter Strawberry Scrub-OMG I could EAT THIS!! well not literally but I fricken LOVE this smell!! I smell it every time I go into Walmart and always say noo I don't need another Body wash just yet but last time I caved and bought it... I am glad I did it is so yummy smelling!

This is Elf's Glitter Gloss in Glam Guava (This was another Makeup Swap Item =)  ) It is a very pretty color and not too glittery once applied, no stickyness either.

Okay okay I SUCK at taking pictures,I could not get this to work out in the photo but the color is beautiful! This is Elf's all over color Stick in Pink Lemonade, you can use it for lips,cheeks or eyes and its really pretty! I prefer to use it for lips at the moment.

Elf's Blush in Pink Passion. This is crazy pink but I think its really pretty.. the color looks slightly brighter then when you apply it so its not like WHOA what is on that girls face! ;)

Water is SOO Important especially in the hotter weather. Sometimes I do feel like I need something more then just water so I really like using these Tetley Infusions Liquid Iced Tea Mix once in a while. I am currently liking the Greentea and Green Tea with Mango Flavors. These aren't good if you have them all the time, they are 50 calories each and 12.5g of sugar but it is better then cracking open that Monster I would prefer =)

What were some of your July Favorites??

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  1. I love my elf powder brush too! :)
    and thanks for the softsoap recommendation I always want to get one of those soaps when I go to wal mart but I'm overwhelmed and don't know where to start, plus I hate wasting $$ so now I know which to get. Ooh also have to try that elf glitter gloss! nice post girly <3

  2. I love ELF's studio line brushes, they're amazing.
    That blush looks so pretty!!


  3. I NEED to buy Makeup Forever HD Powder :D it looks amazing but it so dang expensive haha. Does Sunlabs really give a natural tan? If so, I need that haha ;)

  4. great post! reminds me that I need to do my favorites post asap! I love elfs brushes! especially the studio line =)

  5. I am posting my July favorites tomorrow, I have so many pictures on my camera I have to clear some out hehe.

    I am glad you got some ELF stuff, you will have to try out the ELF HD powder I love it just as much if not better than MUF powder and that says a lot.

  6. @Kysbel-I really think the softsoap is great, and its under $5 so its not bad...and it makes your skin soft =) I am starting to think mostly everything of Elf is pretty awesome =) i'm glad you liked the post!!

    @Nora-I have to agree, I am loving them as well even thought I have only tried 2 of them but wow they are amazing!

    @Cerina-I know it is crazy expensive, I think around $25?But I have had mine for over 6 months, use it regularly and hardly put a dent in it so it will last a while! I do Really like Sunlabs, I think it does give a fairly natural looking tan, I use it all year on my face just to give myself a bit of color. Nothing will replace the damn nice sun tan but we don't want to damage our skin or wreck our health so I would recommend it!

    @Miranda-I know right?They are so nice and affordable! Time is running out lady you need to post those fav's ;)

    @Mrsmakeup-I hear ya with the camera full of pictures, I have the same problem. Blog pictures take up a lot of space on the memory card too. Oh wow! it is better then MUF! thats crazy.. I am kicking myself for not ordering it when I ordered my stuff..which I am still waiting for!!! =)

  7. That's great you got the MakeupForever HD powder in a swap :) I heard quite a bit about it but I haven't tried it. I'm currently using the MAC Blot Powder which is a July Favourite for me.
    I haven't heard of the brand Sun Laboratories before for self tanner. Did you get it at a local pharmacy? I use to use a lot of self tanner before but it always faded off my skin in chunks - which made me look like I had a skin disorder for a few days until it all washed off :S It happened to matter what brand I used and I tried so many self tanners. I wish I could learn to apply it better or at least it washed off on me more evenly. It's great if it works for you - that sure beats tanning in the sun.
    Elf's Pink Passion blush looks like a really girly pretty colour. It does look really bright on your swatch so that's good to know that the colour is less intense when it's applied on the cheeks :)

  8. new background?nice!!! honey 26C only? this is not summer!!I liked your pink blush!

  9. I really want to try that HD powder!:) I love Pink Passion! Great July Favorites!!<3

  10. @Karen- Ops sorry I only got the brush in the makeup swap, I just love using it with my MUF! I got the SunLabs online at their site, I have such a hard time trying to find a good self tanner, and I have the same problem you have.It's not perfect but it is some color for my pale skin =/ I think Pink Passion looks super intense on my pale hand lol. With my self tanner face it isn't as bright ;) I also haven't tried the Mac blot powder but it must be good if it is a fav this month!

    @Penny-haha I know it really isn't summer, and its funny that that is the summer here.. but what do ya do =/ I have been playing around with the backgrounds trying to find a good one, its hard!!

    @Tenaca-It's pretty nice, but if you have Elf near you you might be able to save some $$ and try their HD powder, Mrs.makeup says its very similar which is great for much cheaper=)


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