I am poor but I wanna shop haul - My Blog Spot

I am poor but I wanna shop haul

12:52 PM

*COLAB Dry Shampoo-Rio Tropical

Seriously in love with this dry shampoo! If you have dark or coloured hair this is the BEST!!! sorry Batiste-ekk I traded you for now. It leaves our hair so refreshed and noon white residue!!!! AuuuMAAAzzzing!!!!

*JOICO-Color Intensity Semi-Permanment Pink

Just to keep my ends a nice pink until I can go more pink- beware all black box dyers! I LOVE black but it has been a BITCH to get out of my hair omg. Still in there, we don't have Olaplaex in my tiny city so it sucks!!!!!

*GOODY Mini Boby Pins (For my miniature hair!) 

These are ma FAVE! My niece asks me why I have barbie bobby pins LOL but I just have super fine hair and these hide well when I do a braid to the side with my long bangs,

*SCHWARTZKOPF got2b  Volumizing Powder

A MUST when you have silky STRAIGHT hair!! This isn't as great as some of the high end powders but I am on a budget so this is great for $3-on sale.

*AUSSIE 3 Minute Miracle Deeeeeep conditioner

I saw this and was LIKE HELLLL YAHHHHH!!!! For some odd reason in my city we have lots of Aussie products but not this one, we had it in Zellers back in the day but even when it changed to target we didn't so I saw this at London drugs-along with everything here(except the Joico that was at a salon) I have purchased I HAD HAD HAD to get it! 

What is your favourite product out of my mini haul? Or if you haven't tried any which one would you like to try??

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  1. I love it heheh I went to Wal Mart the other day and bought a bunch of stuff and I was like I am buying all the things :) Great to see blog posts from you!


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