EcoTools Skin Perfecting Brush - My Blog Spot

EcoTools Skin Perfecting Brush

9:29 AM

"Achieve a natural look while evening out skin tone with this two-tone brush,specially designed to smoothly apply BB/CC creams and tinted moisturizers. The angled edge is ideal for precise application around the nose and under eyes. Let your natural glow shine through with our hand-cut tapered design that allows you to apply your skincare products with sheer but complete coverage. Our brushes are safe and effective alternative to using your finger!"

It's my new fav! I was kindly sent this brush from Farelyco.ca and it took me long enough to review since I was peeling like crazy from my recent mexico trip….but here we go!

I always Love EcoTool's packaging and appearance of their affordable products, it's just so earthy I guess maybe that's why?

So I was using Dr. Jart+'s BB cream to test out this baby.  I am simple, I use powder 99% of the time, lip gloss and mascara but the odd time when my skin is looking a tad sickening like today I need to use BB cream. 
I do switch from fingers to beauty blenders to brushes and always go back to fingers because I am lazy that way? LOL

The bristles are super soft on this brush which of course you have to love because who wants to use sandpaper bristles to apply anything to their face? right!

This skin perfecting brush was sooooo incredibly nice to use around my eye area and nose like they specify. It didn't absorb too much product or make a mess of my face. I patted the brush over blemishes and everything covered really nicely. This combo is one I will be reaching for more often then not.

There is absolutely no con to this brush what so ever, the price is great $9.99 and it works like it says it does.
Me being me I had to test this out  with foundation as well just out of curiosity and since I am no makeup artist I am not breaking any rules right?
I only have Cover Girl outlast 3 in 1 foundation right now so I tested it with that…since that is a thicker foundation with the primer included it didn't work out nearly as well as a more lightweight product but it still doesn't make me frown upon this brush.
I didn't have any fall out any of the times I washed the brush either so that was a plus since my Sedona Lace bushes did and I paid WAY too much for those =(
If you are sick of using your fingers, adding extra oil or bacteria to your skin this is a great alternative.

This brush is available Farleyco.ca 
* London Drugs
*Select Brunet
*Select Lawton Drugs
*Select Pharmasave 
*Select Uniprix

Have you ever tried this brush? What is your favourite EcoTools Brush?

You can also check out Farleyco at the following sites:


All products sent to me are my own opinions and not altered towards the companies.

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  1. Looks like a great brush! I still haven't tried any brushes from the ecotools line. I need to get on it!


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