Operation Hair Growth - My Blog Spot

Operation Hair Growth

1:30 AM

Image from Weheartit
I look at that picture and cry on the inside!! I recently decided after a LOT of thinking I would chop my hair off and try a new look. Man I REGRET that fucking decision. I absolutely HATE my hair. Can't stand it. 
I have done a bit of searching around the internet to see what I can come up with to "grow" my hair quicker... not even sure if these are completely true but when you are in this boat you will try what you can!

Basic Things to do:

*Less heat the better
*Drink a ton of water
*Eat healthy, lots of vegetables,fruits and good proteins
*Fish Oil
*No Brushing when hair is wet

Easy Basic Hair Masques to try:

2 Egg yolks
2 TBLS Olive Oil
1/2 Cup of Water

Mix Ingredients together,apply by massaging into scalp, allow mask to sit for about 20 minutes, rinse out, shampoo if needed and your done!

Sounds sick hey? Probably smells disgusting but I would add a few drops of peppermint oil or maybe some lemon to take the smell away.

1 Ripe Banana
A splash of Olive,Almond or Coconut Oil
Add conditioner if mixture is too thick

I couldn't be bothered with mashing up the banana with a food processor but mash it up good, add a little bit of oil, apply to hair. Use a hot towel or shower cap to lock nutrients into hair.(blow dry with the shower cap) Let mixture sit on hair for 20 minutes and rinse out.


Apply almond oil to scalp and hair for 15-20 minutes, rinse with cool water then shampoo as regular.

I can't seem to find almond oil for some reason in my area but maybe I am looking in the wrong area of the stores?
These are just a couple Quick hair masks I have found online and am in the middle of trying, fingers crossed something works for me because I cannot stand my hair being this short.

What are some easy ways you have learned to boost your hair's growth rate?

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  1. I am also trying to let me hair growth. Sorry your not pleased with your haircut.

  2. Awww Taygan, that sucks for your haircut, but I understand, it took me some times to get used to mine too, but now my hair grows sooooo quickly, and I think the main thing that helps is the no 'poo regiment, since the baking soda is applied only on the scalp and you need to really massage your scalp, which definitely helps hair growth! I also love to rely on hair oils!

  3. Aw honey I feel your pain! I cut my hair about two years ago like Frankie Sandford... seriously short... and since then I've been constantly trying to make it grow! The list you wrote really does work, if you're healthy everything will grow quicker and stronger (not just hair but nails too!) and if you treat your hair nicely (less heat and dying!) it'll thank you for it.

    Natural home made masks are a great idea, I'd love to know if you think they work! I also find Lee Staffords hair mask for 'hair that wont grow past a certain length' is a miracle worker as well as Macadamia Deep Repair Masque which is a bit more expensive but they're both wonderful!
    Goodluck! xx

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  4. I am trying so hard to grow my hair out, and it not be dry and frizzy. I love Coconut Oil on my ends and sleeping with it in. Sitting around with a deep conditioning masque on my head for a few hours hehe. I bought a wide tooth comb to brush through leave in conditioner when its wet and then DONT touch it until its 90% dry. I am a hair dye addict though so that is my first step, to stop dying my poor hair hehe.

  5. Awesome beloved you can deliver your before and after images after the task is over. To join please also like our Facebook or my space web page. All the best with the task and your locks trip beloved.

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  7. I recently read a blog where the woman recommended taking prenatal vitamins to help with hair grwoth. I think you'd want to confirm with a pharmacist if there is any health risk associated with doing that, but according to many of the comments, it works.

  8. I've never seen the hair mask, which is interesting, but it makes sense that it would promote hair growth. The proteins in the egg and the fat in the olive oil would help to strengthen the hair at its root. There are so many remedies that offer to cure thinning or complete hair loss, but it starts with your diet.

    Nails and hair are tale-tale signs that your diet is nutrient deficient. It would help to see a nutritionist to determine what is the cause or certain types of hair and nail conditioning. By identifying the nutrients you lack, you can then begin to consume more of them in their food form as well as by supplement.

  9. Kesh King Ayurvedic Hair Oil, Shampoo & Capules is purely based on safe & harmless ayurvedic theory and Specifically used for deep nourishment of hair roots & scalp, checks loss of hair, stops premature of hair, Alopecia, Baldness, prevents from dandruff, sleeplessness & headache.try ayurvedic kesh king hair oil for better result.for more information you may visit www.keshking.com

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