My Favorite YouTubers - My Blog Spot

My Favorite YouTubers

1:30 AM

I have been super addicted to YouTube lately and love finding new channels to watch no matter what type of channel they are if it's interesting I will watch! 
I was reading Mrs.Makeup's post on YouTubers she likes watching and I thought I would do another one of these posts and introduce you to some I have been watching and hopefully you can fill me in on some you have been watching!

First up:

I love her style and she seems super sweet and funny! Def check out her channel.

She is seriously hilarious and talented like you wouldn't believe!! She is different and I like that!

Goss Makeup Artist Aka Wayne <3<3<3

I LOVE him!!! He is my ALL time FAVORITE makeup artist on Youtube, he is incredible! His different ways for doing everyday things just blow my mind, he's really worth checking out if you are into beauty.

She's gorgeous funny and real! I have been watching her channel for a while now and I just adore her!

You HAVE to watch this video, I was laughing pretty good and she's SO RIGHT!!! Love her humour and her videos are always interesting.

Those are the top YouTubers I am loving right now, who do you recommend? 

Click HERE to see my first post.

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  1. Great post Taygan! I saw a couple of the videos you suggested and they're really talented youtubers! I actually don't watch any youtube makeup videos and haven't watched any in a long time. I think it's because my makeup routine has been the same - I go through phases where I like one makeup look and I stick to it for a year or so before I change it up :S


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