January Randoms - My Blog Spot

January Randoms

1:00 AM

 Bath & Body Works Soap &candles&hand sanitizers

 182 Kms! =D

 Bud Light & Famous =)

Veggie Stir Fry

 Beautiful pink Gerber Daisy
 Monster Truck!

 Convo with a friend,  I thought this was pretty damn funny, great idea!!

 Famous Haul

 LOVE this tattoo!!

haha isn't this so true! Friend from Instagram posted it.

 Blink Bunny #2!

 My ridiculously expensive hair cut...$50!!WTF! Not a good pic of it but I don't like pictures much!

I was really in love with the sky this day, freakin gorgeous!!

Breakfast part 2 on Friday

That sums up my January..nothing exciting but it was ok.. How was your January?

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  1. Hi Taygan! Wow the pink and blue sky looked so beautiful in the picture you took. One thing you guys have is lots of sunshine - Dale always complains that it's so cloudy/overcast here in Toronto whenever he visits compared to Calgary.
    I LOVE your new haircut! The layers are really flattering on you. I know a good haircut can be pricey but the problem for me is really finding a good hair stylist, you know what I mean?
    Oh you had mentioned that you have difficulties finding a good body moisturizer. My favourite body moisturizer is actually a drug store one - it's the Aveeno Daily Moisturizing Lotion. Have you ever tried that one before?

    1. Ahh I hate the overcast, it just reminds me of living in Seattle and all the rain!!
      Yes I agree, I rather pay a little extra and be happy then cheap and unhappy.
      I haven't tried Aveeno's yet and I swear I Will try that next after I use up my ten bottles of moisturizer I have kicking around!

  2. I'm honored my pic that's not actually mine made your list! Thanks lol! ;)

  3. Wow that issss a expensive haircut!! But I like the way it's styled! So much volume^^


    1. hahah I know it really is, but it made my hair look a ton better =D

  4. OMG That stir fry looks insanely yummy! I know what I'm having for dinner today eheh!

    And wow, $50 for a haircut, WTF? I usually go to hairdresser school when they charge me around $10 - $14 for a haircut, but recently I've been cutting my own hair, very easy! I love your layers though, and your hair is a beautiful color! Come ton think of it, that's true that you don't post lots of pictures of you on your blog =P

    Yum, Dunkaroos!

    1. LOL, such a easy quick meal to have =)
      Wow $10! That's a wicked price for a hair cut! I actually usually cut my own until this summer was my first time having a real stylist cut my hair in a long time!
      I don't really like seeing pictures of myself =/
      Love the Dunkaroos!


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