October Glymm! - My Blog Spot

October Glymm!

1:00 AM


I did receive this last week but didn't have time to do the post yet but I finally am =D
In case you are unfamiliar with Glymm it is a monthly subscription of 4-5 deluxe beauty samples that get delivered right to your door for $10 a month! I am honestly addicted to these and enjoy the monthly surprise! I have had the chance to try so many brands I never have before and received some full size lip glosses or nail polishes in my boxes =) If you are interested you can sign up HERE.

Since it is October of course there was a little bit of Halloween theme in this box. The information card was cute being in orange and black.
I like the quick reference to see the prices of each product just in case I was thinking crazy like hey I wanna buy this! Oh wait it's high end I can't afford that! lol ;)

CAUDALIE|Premier Cru Cream.Full Size Price $150
All skin types benefit from radiance.All skin types benefit from anit-aging.All skin types benefit from firming and nourishment.So whatever your skin type, here's your daily moisturizing indulgence that combines 15 years of research with 3 patents all in a tiny,powerful bottle.

My first impression:This better be magical for $150 =)

LISE WATIER|Lip Kiss Crayon Gloss in Mellon Twist(Full size in this box!). Full Size Price $18
Lightweight,non-sticky,super-shiny lip gloss in a pencil format? Yes please! This full sized crayon is rich in plant extracts,hydrating and nourishing,making it a Lise Watier best seller and beauty blogger fave!

My first impression: Perfect! Nicely pigmented,glides on super smoothly and adds the shine that I love. I just don't like this color =*( I will never wear anything this bright.

 PRINCIPESSA|Bacio Lip Balm (Full size!) Full Size Price $11
As a girl, let's be honest:Silky and kissable lips are imperative to our well being. Principessa understands and as such,offers this full sized lip balm to indulge your lips with vitamin E and shea butter.
My first impression:Very nice vanillaish scent,glossy and makes my lips feel extra soft! For $11 I would consider this.

BLINC|Blinc Mascara. Full Size Price $30
Since 2008, this pioneering formula has been nominated for more awards then we have fingers to count on. Tube your lashes with this innovative and effective mascara that forms tiny, water-resistant tubes around your lashes. They won't run,smudge,clump or flake, we promise!

My first impression: I used this today and I did notice added length to my lashes but there was absolutely no volume to them at all! I have skinny long lashes, I rather have thick long lashes so this might just work as a top coat since I always use multiple mascaras.

Glymm Sweet|Jelly Belly
Just a little bonus to sweeten your day!

I actually like the black ones so this was good! But I think I have had enough Jelly bellys for a while now. I also don't know what to do with the cute jar, any suggestions??

Over all this was a good Glymm, the only thing that was bad was my cat Chicken REALLY wanted to eat the white cut up paper! This whole post I had to make sure the lid was on the box when I was done with it lol.

Have you tried any of these items?

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  1. I had the same problem with Blinc! And you can't use the 2 mascara trick, not cool.

  2. Wow, I never knew Caudalie products were THAT pricey! $150? Phew!

    Tube mascara are great if you are lazy as you just "wash off" the tubes in the shower, no mess! Yey! Too bad it didn't work that well for you ):

  3. The crayon lip thingy (lol) I've never heard of before (obviously, lol) but I love the idea of it and from the description of it would live by it [right now, i live by Tarte's LipSurgence]

    Nice review! Thank you. =)

  4. I'm not sure whether or not to get one of these subscription boxes..they look OK but they usually only have one item that I would ever use...in this case "maybe" the Lise Watier crayon

  5. Ohh nice! I've seen some pretty good things in the glymm box so far.. yeah $150 is alot of money :-/ I would never be able to afford that haha :-P

  6. Hi Taygan! It seems like you love these surprise boxes that you get monthly :) I can definitely see the novelty in it and it does let you try out many different brands.
    No I haven't tried any of the products you had mentioned nor have I tried any products from any of these brands I don't think.....I haven't tried a tube mascara before but I know my older sister loves this one tube mascara that's sold in Sephora - it's the Japenese Fiber Wig Mascara I believe. I'm currently using Maybelline Falsies which is fantastic! You know, I've seen so many Lise Watier products in Shoppers Drug Mart but haven't tried any of them. I know, I have a difficult time wearing bright coloured lipsticks too - but ya know, Halloween is this weekend so just maybe it might get used then?! ;)

  7. This looks like a great box, but what is with every beauty box being pink.

    Lucy x

  8. The lip balm looks cute! :) I love the box!!

  9. Thanks for sharing! The Principessa lip balm looks promising.:D

    ***** Marie *****
    Giveaway: Win a treatment cream designed for your age!

  10. @Sanya- I wonder why it is so hard to work with? I actually haven't even given it a second try yet=\ it's so messy to remove!

    @Gaby OMG I know that is insanely expensive!!!
    Lol that is exactly what I did and i could imagine how messy it would be with a makeup wipe or something =\

    @Karma Devyne I hadn't either so it was new and pretty good idea I must say. I would love to try the Tarte lip surgence! Or anything from them lol

    Ct1980 not so good if you won't really use the stuff..sometimes I am the same way and try to give it away but it's hard sometimes.

    @Themisstiwist they are so hit and miss for me but I guess they all are..it's still super fun to me to get a random box of beauty products! Frick I know right! Maybe when I win that lotto lol.

    @Karen I really do love them! I know some ppl think it's a waste of money but I don't really buy much in my life other then some beauty products lol I have an old car and cheaper clothes and no kids so why not?:) I would love to try that mascara! Does your sis blog too?
    I always eye them when I go into shoppers too lol but never get them,so expensive!

    @Lucyylou- lol I don't know what's with the pink but the Loose Button post I did had a nice black and white box =D I was super happy about that'!!

    @Vintagemakeup it is cute...they are piling up at my house and I am not too sure what with them?

    @Marie it is my fav:) and made is BC!


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