Batiste Dry Shampoo-Black Review - My Blog Spot

Batiste Dry Shampoo-Black Review

9:35 AM

I love Dry shampoo's....Well ones that actually work. Batiste is the kind that actually works! I have been searching everywhere to find the kind for black hair. I finally found it at Winners! There was 3 cans left and I snagged 2 of them. They were $5.99 each, can't go wrong at that price!

This basically works the same way as the regular ones but have some coloring in it so it should blend better for darker hair then the regular kind.
If you are a dry shampoo lover then you will know what I am talking about with the whole gray colored looking hair. 
When I first got home I spray a little bit in the cap to see how dark the product really is and I was pleasantly surprised it was pretty black...

The next day I decided to give it a try and I was kind of disappointed that it doesn't spray fully black! I had this image that it would just spray a black spray and I would comb it out a bit and be good to go. But unfortunately it does have SOME gray. =/

This picture is before brushing it out, this is just to show the grayish color instead of what I thought would come out of the can,it should be black if it says black I think.

But it can be brushed out fairly easy so you don't have old looking hair ;) 
I also use a shine spray once I am finished using any dry shampoo just in case there is some left over  color showing in my dark hair.

Over all I would for sure recommend this product as well I will repurchase it. The quality is better than even the expensive salon brands as well their selection is so large that there is something for everyone.

If you want to read more about this product I did do a full review on a couple from their line, you can read that HeRe . 

What is your favorite Dry shampoo? What was the worst one you have ever tried?

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  1. Thanks for the review TEA!!! There are now three Batiste "Tones" available in Canada - the one for dark hair (that you have reviewed here) as well as one for Medium Brown, and another for Blonde. You can find them all here: http://www.farleyco.ca/Batiste-Dry-Shampoo/Products.html
    Talk to you soon!

  2. Oh using a shine spray after dry shampoo is such a good idea (even though I don't have any) because dry shampoos tend to make hair looks matte.

    Yes I know what you mean with the color not being as dark as you would expect, even though I don't understand why it looks dark on the cap LOL?!

    Can you believe I still haven't tried my Batiste Black? I just recently dyed my hair dark brown again to get rid of the red so I will finally be able to properly try it (:

  3. It doesn't look gray to me! It looks good :) that's awesome that they have one formulated for black hair. Interesting..haha :))

  4. Hey Hun, I have a Batiste dry shampoo that I have to start up this week (thanks for the reminder with this post!) but I think it's the rose one? I didn't know they have a black one for darker hair like us. That's too bad it still comes out a bit grey but I guess at least it's a step up from the white cast that usually comes with dry shampoos, right? $5.99 is a great deal at Winners. I was at my local Winners and didn't see any Batiste :S Winners is a hit and miss sometimes though.
    I haven't tried a whole lot of dry shampoos - the last one I tried was the Tresemme one which was okay for the price. I usually use baby powder though....which yes, you definitely have to comb it out so it's not white in your hair but I find baby powder works really well for me :)

  5. im sooo saddddd.. i commented but then it was looading to prepare to ask me for the code thingy but i was too quick and clicked elsewhere on ur blog, soo my commnent is now deleted =[

    its ok ill retype it =].. i was jsut sayign that i've NEVERRRRR seen or heard of black dry shampoo!! whatttt???!??! black reallyyy?? i reallly want one now!!! i always wanted to try a dru shampoo but then i think im ify about it... will it leave ur hair felling tacky or heavy after using this? like, will it really make ur hair feel soft and clean like after u washed it? cuz when i have dirty hair, its really dirty like its feel soo heavy and out of shape LOL its disgusting soo i have to put it in a bun or wash it or else i wont go out lol!!


  6. @Farleycobeauty- thanks for reading my review :) ops I forgot to put the links in for the products since there are so many! I will update that soon!

    @Gaby- yes use shine spray! It helps :) lol no I cannot believe you haven't tried it yet!! Try it try it try it and do a review!!

    @Cerina- it is crazy how many products they have! I forgot to put some links up for ppl to check out, and I'm on my iPad and can't put links on it from here..weird!

    @Karen- I love the smell of that one, it's my fav.maybe shoppers will have the darker hair version sometime soon? They have sooo many new products it's crazy! I agree I like using baby powder and I still do use it, smells good and works :) I didn't like the Tresemme one, it made my hair feel dirtier =\

    @thisisalx- I do that all the fricken time I hate that!! Then the comment is never as good the second time cuz I'm all mad lol.
    This isn't going to replace hair washing by any means but it actually feels clean, I have tried quite a few dry shampoos that made my hair feel greasy or heavy..this sprays a cool feeling on your scalp and makes it feel clean! It doesn't weigh my fine hair done,it gives it a bit of volume, but I usually wear my hair up even when I use the dry shampoo..it's great for roots! I hope u can find this at shoppers or winners and let me know what u think!!

    @Val-thank you:)


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