ThiS Vs ThAt!... Part 2! - My Blog Spot

ThiS Vs ThAt!... Part 2!

9:21 PM


There are many products out there that are fairly similar to each other maybe even from the same company but slightly different and of course I am a product junkie and like to test them out, here's what I think!


Most of you mascara junkies have tried the falsies flared by now as it seems to be crazy popular. 

 This product has a lot of great qualities:

"• Patented Spoon Brush fans out lashes from corner-to-corner, while our Pro-Keratin formula instantly builds volume without clumping
• Unique flexible wand helps to lift and separate lashes to provide the look of 300% more visible, fuller lashes, no gaps from any angle
• Contact lens safe and ophthalmologist-tested
• Washable, also available in Waterproof formula "

I do not have a fancy camera so you might not even be able to see the brush but here is the falsies brush:

It's curved, spoon like. I find this a good style for the bottom lashes as mine are pretty short and hard to get the mascara on without getting it all over my face.
The only 2 cons I can think of with this is it is soooo flakey and I ALWAYS have black specs on my face I HATE THAT.. As well This is so wet, I don't like dry mascara but I find this just too wet and takes wayyy to long to dry between coats.


I figured this would be similar to the FALSiES and it was similar but WAAY better! 

"False lash glam with a flare, instantly!
• Patented Spoon Flare Brush fans out lashes from corner-to-corner, while our Kera-Fibre formula instantly builds volume without clumping
• Unique flexible wand lifts and separates lashes to provide the look of 300% more visible, lashes
• Contact lens safe and ophthalmologist-tested
• Washable, also available in waterproof formula"

So basically the same thing as Falsies

Terrible picture i know! But this brush is fatter and slightly different then the regular Falsies...

The difference I notice with this formula is it actually does "flare" out a LITTLE bit. I have VERY straight lashes and this gives it a slight curl. I don't get the flakes like I do with the regular falsies and I don't find it as wet, unless I am just used to it now =/ ? 

I would for sure repurchase the flared version now that I have tested the 2 out.They are around $7 and are at any drug store.

Okay products number 2... I don't know why people say this is even comparable and I did actually put this on my blog when I purchased it but after trying the real deal I wouldn't have bought this....


I tried to get this palette for almost a year, I searched online, I checked a couple cities around my city numerous times (I do not have Sephora around here =(  ) I even checked in Vegas when I went in February and NOTHING!! A Couple weeks ago I finally found this at Sephora.com and it was in stock! I jumped at the chance to get it, but it was EXPENSIVE... $58 but I think it will be worth it. I will have eye enough neutral colors for a LONNNG TIME! I have only used it twice so far but I am lovin it!
The UD Naked palette is much more pigmented, has a larger selection, packaging is so nice as well as it came with this REALLY nice shadow brush and a mini size of the Urban Decay Primer Potion. There are no con's with this palette.

RUNNER UP:Too faced Naked Eye:

This is very pretty, I do love all of the colors but I do not find this comparable in any way. These look like they are pigmented but they are more light then anything, I felt like I had to apply so much for it to be the color in the pan. The Stiletto is the most pigmented out of all of them, it works really well to set a liquid liner.
I believe it was around $35-$40, I did purchase it in Vegas so it was American pricing when I bought it. It's lovely but there is no way I will use all this and my UD Naked palette.

Last one....



Please excuse the packaging on my Edan bottle, it seem to wear off in just a few short months =/

Urban Decay's primer potion is my favorite eye shadow primer I have ever purchased, I have tried a few different kinds, cheap to expensive and Urban Decay wins...

I cannot use eye shadow without using a primer or it just creases by noon... so this is the perfect fix! I have found the original formula is more oily? maybe, it is more like a lotion to me then some of the primers I have tried, therefore this doesn't work the best with me.
I would not purchase this primer again....

This is Urban Decay's Primer Potion in Edan. This is more of a matte type of primer, it's kind of like a like eye shadow itself in this color. This sucks up any oil on your lids and keeps your eye shadow looking fresh. 
This is the winner by far! I am not a big fan of the wand but they have now changed the packaging into a tube style so you are able to use the whole thing plus it is more sanitary.
This one I bought for my lil sis, so I only have the picture!
The only con that I really have is the price... it is $25 BUT it will last for a LONNGGG time so I really shouldn't complain about the price =/

Okay that might have been REALLLLY LONG this vs that.. I think I got a little bored half way through since my router kept messing up and I had to unplug it and start uploading the pictures again =( so If it was a little blahhh sorry!

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  1. I love The Falsies, it's actually one of my favorite, but I absolutely HATE that it flakes like crazy! I will have to try the Flared version as I have straight lashes too.

  2. Great post. I've been testing out the falsies WP for an upcoming review and so far, sounds similar to your thoughts. I didn't even know there was a Flared version so I'm gonna get that. Thanks! xoxo

  3. @Gaby I know the flakes are terrible but you can layer with a waterproof coat and it totally helps! Let me know how you like it when your try it!!

    @Joann oohhhh you should get the flared and then do the review, I think it's the best one! I am looking forward to your review!

    Thanks you guys for commenting and checking out my post :) :)

  4. my mom LOVES the falsies mascara!! :D I still have yet to try it, but I have a ton to use up before i can buy new ones lol!

  5. oh great mini reviews and comparisons :) i definitely want to try falsies mascara!

  6. @Cerina- You should totally try it out when you have finished some of your stash =) I am trying to work through mine too!

    @Dirt on The Rocks- Try it when you can, and if you can try the flared one i think its less flakes!

  7. Love these great review following ur blog


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