Chapters - My Blog Spot


7:38 PM

I went to chapters today and despite the creepy guy standing on my back practically in the line up I did find a couple things.. I either find everything or nothing in that store today I found 2 things that I really like!!

*YOU BEING BEAUTIFUL by- Michael Roizen & Mehmet Oz-I have read this before- I borrowed my sister's copy and have always eyed at Chapters when I go in there but it is $33! Well today they had some kind of deal on it and it was on sale for $9.99 + 10% off so I go it for like $8! I was pretty excited for that.This is a book everyone should own I think, it has things for inner and outer beauty that you should learn. It is a great book and I am looking forward to reading it again!

 *Does anyone have this problem? I NEVER sleep properly..even if I get 5 or 6 or 7 hours of sleep if I am lucky and even when I get up I feel like I haven't slept in years lol. I am ALWAYS tired, it's super annoying. But I have seen this before and wanted it but thought nooo it's a waste of money but this time i just said what the hell why not. This was $18 =( But I find it kind of amusing.. this is a journal for passing the time when insomnia strikes.. The second I try to sleep my brain is like heyyy lets think and keep you awake.. Maybe this will help? who knows..

Here is a page from the book to kinda show you what it looks like..

Have you found any good books lately?

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  1. I keep seeing that You Being Beautiful book and I haven't gotten it yet.I will have to try it out!

  2. @Mrs.Makeup- totally get it if you can find it on sale... $30 is a bit much but $8 so worth it!!But I bet your books are cheaper in the US anyways..


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