mInI MaScArA REviEw-GrAil oR fAiL - My Blog Spot

mInI MaScArA REviEw-GrAil oR fAiL

7:15 PM

I am a Mascara Junkie,i will try every drug store mascara for the most part. These were the latest ones I had kicking around, some of them are meant for the garbage and some of them I will repurchase for sure.

The first one was a surprise for me, i had never tried any Hard
Candy products until Walmart introduced these products.
(yes i buy a lot of products from Walmart, i'm a little bit cheap!) 
This mascara for $7ish dollars is not bad, it doesn't give you tons of volume or length but it's not bad for a cheaper mascara-might be good if you are looking for more nature kind of lashes.

Maybelline's FaLsies, it seems that most YouTube Guru's are loving this one, the brush is pretty different then most brushes as it is kind of like half a brush. I do find this lengthens and separates lashes. I don't have thick eye lashes so it does thicken them a little bit. I do find it a little flaky .This isn't my favorite mascara but i do find it in my top 5 for sure.

Revlon's grow luscious claims to help strengthen lashes and make them grow? This did nothing but make my lashes feel crunchy and stiff. The brush is so fat that I found it hard to even use correctly, this bottle is fairly full and will stay that way until it meets the garbage. Total Fail.

I have already kind of spoke about this one earlier on my blog,L'oreal's Voluminous Million Lashses, I Love it. IT lengthens and separate's your lashes. I don't find it over dramatic but it is good as a base coat,I used this first usually and then layer with L'oreal's Voluminous. This is Definitely a HG product.

ALL TIME favorite Mascara ever L'oreal's Voluminous, i have been buying this for years and I will most likely buy for years to come. This lengthens and thickens. This gives me the closest to thick long lashes as I will ever get!My HG for sure. The only con with this is it does flake near the end of the day.

Rimmel's Extra Super Lash is nothing that the name claims to be, I am not trying to dis it but it was basically a waste of money as this product did nothing of the sort. No Volume, No Length.FAIL.

My final mascara is Bad Gal Lash by Benefit, this is a popular product as well i have heard great things about it, so i decided i would try it. It was quite expensive and I didn't find anything to great about it. I found the brush was to fat and didn't go through my lashes very well. It also made them feel kind of crunchy, so for me i would not repurchase =/

Have you ever tried any of these?

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  1. I have the rimmel mascara too... and it did nothing until I watched pinkeycharms video on the curved wand mascaras and how they tend to work. she said that if you use the bumpy side to apply it then its better! and with this stuff it is sooo wet so what I do is take some tissue and wipe some off then put it on and no I love it! :-)

    But I am currently looking to try out the comb wand mascaras but I can't find any drugstore ones where I live! I'm totally upset so I may have to look on ebay! <3


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