Zoella Beauty New Jelly & Gelato Review - My Blog Spot

Zoella Beauty New Jelly & Gelato Review

12:01 AM

 Heellllloo new Zollea Beauty products!!

This is always an exciting thing for us beauty lovers when a brand we love and support have new products out! I have always been so impressed with Zoella's products and a fan of her work. She seems down to earth and I will admit I am envious of all her hard work and what she has accomplished at such a young age,
Enough with that! On to the goods!

As if this isn't fun, a Menu of the new line!

In Canda Zoella's products will be released at London Drugs around mid-August, I CANNOT wait to purchase the body spray and from other reviews, I have heard the body pudding is great!

I just love the packaging! Fresh, simple, fun and modern!

A cute note from Zoe :)

SHOWER SHAKE-Moisturizing body wash. 
First things first, the packaging I love!
The Shower Shake is a nice rich LOVELY smelling moisture rich body wash that I have been using daily!

I found this name a little interesting but cute. This was similar to the moisturizing body wash but not as creamy as you can see in the bottle. The smell is SO GOOD! It is again similar scent but a little more fruity I think and I LOVE that!

PINK BATH WAFERS- Moisturising Bath Fizzer

Moisturising Bath Fizzer, that looks like those DELICIOUS Wafers I used to eat as a kid! The packaging does at least. I will totally admit I still eat them LOL

Out of the package, it is even nicely designed!

The size I find pretty large! Beside my iPhone 6s ( I think it is fairly big)  just for a size comparison.

Okay confession time:

I haven't had a chance to try this one out! It had been a little bit too hot for a bath and I want to make sure I use this and enjoy it because again I am in LOVE with the smell!! So I will update this part soon! 
Sadly summer is slowly walking away from my city and it's quite sad!

AND Last but not least!

This is the cutest chair in the world!!! I need to think of a super cute photo to do with this! It's one of those little extra's to just add to the package. So cute! 

I haven't completely finished the products yet but they will be used up within the month but I would recommend them if you love anything that smells good, make sure next time you see these you give them a good smell! I will check out some of Zoella's other Jelly & Gelato items and let you guys know how they are. 

Farleyco Does have a good range of Zoella Products (keep in mind Jelly & Gelato is new and isn't out quite yet in Canada or just select places so far.) as well if you are ordering online as well as some other goodies!

Have you had a chance to try anything out yet? 
If not which one would you want to try?

You can also check out Farleyco at the following sites:


Disclaimer: These products were sent to me to review, this does not affect my honest opinion of each product.

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