Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review Before And After Pictures - My Blog Spot

Irresistible Me Hair Extensions Review Before And After Pictures

1:30 AM

If you haven't heard of Irresistible Me Hair Extensions then you may possibly live under a rock ;)  
I have seen a number of reviews on YouTube and was extremely stoked to get a chance to review this product.

"Our products are made of natural human Remy Hair and are perfect for changing your look without damaging hair. Match to your own hair color or mix in a different color for beautiful highlights. Each set is composed of 10, 8 or 7 pieces of different widths depending on the weight you choose, purposely adapted to cover your head all around"

You get a good variety with colour,length and thickness so you really can't go wrong. I went with these ones:

 Silky Touch Chocolate Brown #2  200G 20 inch

*100% Indian remy human hair, certified high quality (grade AAA)
*Can be coloured, heat styled and washed of course
*Comes with 1 Piece of 4 clips, 2 pieces of 3 clips  pieces of 2 clips and 2 pieces of the one clip. that is a ton! =D

My extensions were shipped incredibly quickly ( I am in Canada) with no damage and everything in tact. I was really impressed that with Irresistible Me they make it super easy if you are not sure on the colour and have a separate side of the package stating to open this side first and its is to ensure you have the correct colour and length so if you do need to do an exchange or return you are set. I think that is so smart but I would personally just dye them rather then send them away since I was like a kid in a candy store I ripped these suckers open asap but I couldn't play with them for quite a while since I was working two jobs and had no life or time to breath let alone dye these :(

I was kind of unsure on what colour to choose since my hair is a mixture of black with darker purplish colour in the roots but I didn't want black since I am trying to ditch the black (good lucky right?) so I ordered the Chocolate brown so I knew dying these with the current colour would work well and luckily I was right.

Please forgive my lighting, the colour maybe off in the photos but it is a true gorgeous chocolate brown…too bad I had to dye them! : 0

As for dying extensions I really didn't know how since my last set I did have my stylist pick them out and dye them at the salon so I wasn't exactly sure on the steps but speaking with Irresistible Me they were soo helpful and gave me steps to make sure I came out with the best outcome. 
To make it simple make sure you wash your extensions first, then always do a spot test ( like you are told with any dye) on the one clip strand so if something went wrong your not destroying all the extensions. I also didn't need to leave my dye on as long as I did with my hair so just keep an eye on things and I am sure you are able to email them with questions about anything.

 Darkest plum by L'oreal
I used ammonia free dye and a good conditioner after and the extensions were still nice and soft, I let them air dry and they have a nice wave that I WISH my hair had! I just am in love lol.

Dying them…..

These are INCREDIBLY soft and such nice quality, I have owned one pair of clip in extensions before and those seriously have no comparison AT ALL on these. I was honestly extremely impressed that it was high end quality. I did decide on the 20 inch 200gram once since my hair is fine and I will never have that long of hair and LOVE long hair I went all out lol. You get A TON of hair too, I was shocked at the size of the amount of hair you do get for the price.
I also want to mention when you are picking what colour there is a helpful video to show what they offer, I did watch it before I made my decision.

I was also super shocked at how many came in this set, comparing to my previous set I had barely none so of course that made me very pleased.( As well the other set I have was $120!!!! I think I got 6 clips total. complete waste of money) I have washed these,combed them,curled and straightened and I don't have any big complains on shedding.

Ok here are some results!

Here is the amount I did wear for this day, I change it up, i wear more usually when I wear my hair half up since I feel I can hide the clips really easy ( my hair is fine so I always worry you'll see the clips). I will post pictures next time I do that.

Please excuse me I am SOO camera shy, i'm usually the photographer not the subject so this was so out of my element. I think this was my first post on my blog with my face ekkkk.


It was sooo windy as per usual it was hard to get this shot with the hair not being a total mess and looking unblended so you can see some of my original hair BUT when you style it and aren't in major wind gusts it doesn't look this way.(Maybe I shouldn't have posted this one?) I am going to go to my stylist and have her shape my extensions to blend in with my hair more naturally, it really makes a difference.
Also I will add more pictures of what they look like when I wear my hair in a pony tail with my extensions. Seriously these are a lot of fun! I must admit though I do have fine hair so if I was to wear EVERY piece you may see the extension band part, but when it is curled in loose waves no one ever knows and I get so many compliments when regularly I never would LOL.

Very very good quality, 
Easy to use
Great colour selection
Great customer service
Quick shipping
Little shedding
They look AMAZinnnnnng! 

The only thing I could say is the cost possibly since we aren't all rich, BUT I don't think they are unreasonable at all and are worth the price 100% if you plan to wear them, for the quality and amount you get I would for sure recommend these extensions!

Definitely check out IRRESISTIBLE ME Extensions, you won't be disappointed =)

You can find also check out more reviews pictures and updates here:


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  1. Oh wow! Super gorgeous! It's true I don't think I've seen pictures of you on your blog before ahahah I think you are actually photogenic! You should post more! And I love the hair! I hate that with extensions you have to trim it so they blend more naturally (as if they weren't pricey enough without a trip to the stylist) but oh well! Now you make me want to wear mine ahah but sooooo hot here! Soo I'm not sure I understood, what color did you dye them? Black?

    1. I like to be mysterious...damn my cover is blown lol. Trust me this girl is not, it took a lot of shots to get an ok one but thank you :) yes it may be a pain to get them trimmed but I just bring them in for my next trim, my stylist won't mind(hopefully she won't rip me off considering she's my cousin lol)
      True it is a lot of hair when it's hot outside lol. I did dye them that darkest plum ammonia free color I've been dying my hair, they look dark but the more you wash them it get more purplish and in the sunlight it's more obvious. I didn't want to do full on purple other wise it would have been super oblivious so I think with them being darker it blends good :)

  2. Suits her and looks natural. Please visit this link human hair lace front wigs for the incredible hair extension collection


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