This Or That Tag Makeup Tag! - My Blog Spot

This Or That Tag Makeup Tag!

6:48 AM

I was tagged by the lovely Lucy for this tag and I FINALLY am doing it!
For sure check out her blog if you haven't!

Sometimes it's so hard to get things done in a reasonable time =/


Blush or Bronzer? Ahh it's already hard! But I would pick Blush, I can use a self tanner for color and blush is always a nice touch.

Lipgloss or Lipstick? Too easy! Lipgloss!!! =D I own a hundred I swear!

Eye Liner or Mascara? I can NEVER not wear mascara! I think it is the ultimate of everything and never go without it!

Foundation or Concealer? I would pick concealer since I don't wear foundation much but sure have enough imperfections on my face that concealer can hide!

Brushes or Sponges?  Brushes! I tried the whole makeup sponge thingy and I didn't love it.


Long or Short? SHORT! I am not a fan of long nails and I don't think I could be able to do my job if I had long nails in my way!
Acrylic or Natural? I've never had fake nails ever! so I guess natural is my fav.

Brights or Darks? I like both! but I guess maybe more darker colors I prefer.

Flower or no flower? I love flowers but I probably wouldn't wear them on my nails =/


Perfume or body splash? Perfume! I need something that actually lasts and I don't find body sprays last at all on me.

Lotion or Body Butter? I LOVE body butters! I find they work so much better but in summer I am all for lotion.

Body wash or soap? I really dislike bars of soap if this is what they mean!It just reminds me of something my grandma would use or something. I pick body wash for sure.


Jeans or Sweatpants? Really? this is a question? JEANS! I think sweats are for pajamas/cleaning/working out or being sick only.

Long sleeve or short sleeve? Short sleeve unless its winter.

Dresses or skirts? I don't really wear either but I think I would like to wear dresses!

Stripes or Plaid?Stripes!

Flip flops or sandals? I hate listening to people walk in flip flops! I get it when its hot and you need something to just throw on quickly but I don't wear them in public much. I pick sandals.

Hats or Scarfs? I don't wear either =/ Clearly I am not into fashion or know anything about it. I like toques in the winter though! But I do like scarfs, the add a little extra to a simple look.

Studs or Dangley earrings? I JUST got my ears repierced and haven't even changed them yet ( I cant get these ones out lol) but they are hoops, so they are kinda in between studs and long earrings, is that an answer? =)

Cowboy Boots or Riding boots? umm I dislike cowboy boots since I am not country like at all... what are riding boots? I like my Ugg kinda boots (Yes I can see a certain someone cringing at this lol you know who you are!)

Jacket or Hoodie? Jacket! A nice fitted jacket looks so nice!


Curly or straight? Straight

Bun or Pony Tail? messy Bun, I never wear pony tails

Bobby pins or butterfly clips? Bobby pins! I am always buying and loosing them, they are kind of like socks, they just disappear!

Hairspray or Gel? hairspray as long as it isn't the kind that makes your hair crunchy!

Long or short? Some people can totally rock the short hair and it looks amazing but I love long hair on myself.

Light or dark? The darker the better! Dark hair just seems more bold to me then light and suits my style.

Side Swept bangs or full bangs? Side swept! Love them!

Up or Down? I look hideous with my hair up so I pick down!


Rain or Shine? This is hard! I LOVE rain!!! But I lived in Seattle once and it was a little bit much with all the rain =/ so if it's not everyday I pick rain!

Summer or Winter? I dislike summer ONLY because there is nothing to do around here, if I live in BC and had the ocean I would pick Summer for sure. so  I DUNNO!!

Spring or Fall? I hate spring it's so dirty, FALL!

Chocolate or Vanilla? If it's real good expensive chocolate I pick that but if it's a flavor I pick vanilla!

Can I tag all of you who do tags? I know some people don't like to do them so sometimes it's more difficult to tag the people you think might do this...but I think everyone reading this should be TAGGED =D=D=D

Images from weheartit.com

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  1. This was fun to read! We have a few things in common haha :)

  2. Yeyyyy you done it!!! Love all your answers girly x x

  3. Thanks for tagging all of us Taygan :) I know what you mean though - it can be difficult to selectively tag others because I really don't like excluding anyone (or making them feel that way) and I'm not sure who likes to follow up with Tags either.
    I use to always wear blush up to a few months ago when I decided to stop for no apparent reason. I didn't even use bronzer for a while until about a week ago...but I find that my bronzer doubles up nicely as a blusher too especially for my more tanned skin.
    I haven't really experimented with sponges when it comes to makeup - I always stuck to brushes :) So I'm not sure what I'm missing out with stuff like the beauty blender sponge.
    Ooo I love my long acrylic nails! I can't go without them for long at all. Actually, I get the "medium" length nails which really flatter my hands - I don't do the long nails that look like talons or anything LOL
    I stick with body washes like yourself :)
    Whaaaat?! You live out West in Alberta and don't LOVEEE cowboy boots?? ;) Just kidding hehe Gotta love how people dress up during stampede though.
    It was nice reading your answers in the tag Taygan!

  4. This was enjoyable to read :)



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