Monster Energy Madness! - My Blog Spot

Monster Energy Madness!

10:00 AM

I was deleting pictures from my phone and I seemed to notice a pattern on there... a LOT of Monster pictures...anyone surprised? lol. 
Here is just some of the pictures I didn't delete, some of them I have posted before but I didn't want to check each post so sorry for the doubles!

My Vega$ Monster

no idea what to do with a Monster bag but its awesome! My friend gave it to me =D

My crying Monster that got popped in my car =/ it did smell very yummy in there but a pain to clean up!

My friends rear view mirror at my old job.. I converted him from Red Bull to Monster! lol

Tabs for gear! I will post that awesome FREE haul once it arrives!

This stock pile is officially gone =(

Okay that might be ridiculous but I really like taking pictures, and I have a bunch of random pictures on my phone from tweeting or sending friends picture messages...

What did you think of my Monster Madness?

Do you have a crazy favorite drink that you always have to have?

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  1. Now you've got me wanting some damn monster! ha ha

  2. you have a lot of picture of this drink :) but it makes me want some, i love how sweet this stuff tastes :)

  3. I feel like I comment on all your posts now.. I'm sorry aha :(
    um that's a lot of monster! We don't even get half of those :((( soo I'm going to come to Canada! It's the only choice!! Hope there is room for one more :D

  4. holy crap :O

    i am so jealous of you right now lol

  5. I think you may have a problem.. :-p

  6. @Themisstwist-haha it's freaking good!!

    @CharlotteElizabeth-It's very sugar but damn it's so good!!

    @Heythisismatt- DONT say sorry! that's why I have this blog! I love when people comment and read my posts =D =D LOL yep theres lot of room, you can come and enjoy the Monsters they are amazing!

    @Osxg33kgirl- lol I always think of you now when I do a post like this or something to do with a lot of Monsters

    @VintageMakeup- hahah yes yes I think I do!

  7. Wow, that's a LOT of Monster LOL! I remember when energy drinks were new on the market and I was working at a corner store while being in high school, and I got totally addicted, seriously! I tried them all and I agree, I prefer Monster over RedBull, even though the only energy drink that works on me is NOS

  8. yeah - BURN (energy drink in europe) - it's the BEST ever. I miss it so much here in toronto, I have to drink red bull in the absence of it!

  9. wow, you really are addicted to Monster! and to think that I have never even tried it!

  10. @Gaby- haha that is only SOME of them =) yay I am glad you like Monster better then Red Bull! I also have that problem, they don't do anything but I just love the taste. And oddly enough I think NOS is the only kind I haven't tried! I need to just to see if it helps walk me up!

    @Splattergirl- I actually had that!! I had a friend go to Demark and I MADE him bring me a few energy drinks back and Burn was one of them, the tiny black can with the flame on it! But sadly I didn't like it =/ You should switch the Red Bull to Monster ;)

    @DollyDaydream- hah yes yes I am..could be worse right? You should try it but don't get addicted!


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