Drug Store Haul - My Blog Spot

Drug Store Haul

1:00 AM

I have been shopping wayyyy too much lately and this is the latest that I have picked up...
I went to a drug store that is newly renovated in my area and I was shocked at all the different brands they had there. Finally NYX is in my city! But still they were out of the jumbo eye pencil in Milk, I swear I will never get my hands on one lol.
I grabbed a few things from Value Drugs/Shoppers Drug Mart & Walmart

*Garnier Fructis Crystal Resist Finishing Spray with crystal minerals-$3.99.This was on sale, I have seen it for up to $7.99 which is ridiculously priced but I have been curious so see if it really did give shine to your hair. I don't love hair spray but I use it often since my hair sucks!

*L.A Colors Nail Polish remover pads-32 peach scented pads-$1.99. I've never heard of this brand before but it is super convenient if you travel at all as well it is a cruelty free product =D

*Hard Candy Glow All The Way Bronzing lotion-$7.98.I have been looking for a replacement for my L'oreal Sublime bronzing lotion since I am almost finished it as well they test on animals DAMN YOU L'OREAL!!! and Hard Candy doesn't so I hope I like this!

*Hard Candy 1,000 Lashes midnight Black, Fiberized lash weave mascara-$5.98-This sounds so weird as well when you open the tube and take the wand out it looks like little hair is on the brush! I have such a BAD memory and should have wrote this down but this is the mascara that had bad reviews and I shouldn't have purchased it! But I will try it and see what I can do with it.

*Udderly Smooth Udder Cream-$1.99.The name makes it sound disgusting to me but this stuff really helps with dry hands and in winter I certainly have that problem,as well for $2 I think it's worth it.

*Jergens Soothing Aloe Relief with bonus Jergens Natural Glow firming daily moisturizer-$3.99. This was on sale, I have seen it up to $8.99 so I thought with that price I better grab it since I have wanted to try it for a few months but wasn't willing to fork out $9!

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  1. I've tried an Udder cream from an Australian brand to help with my random flare-ups of eczema, so I'm interested to see what you think of this one! :)

  2. I love the packaging on the Hard Candy bronzing lotion, its so bling haha x x

  3. The hairspray I like. For the hard candy mix a little bit of it in with lotion if you want to be easier to blend in because it is a little bit hard
    I'be tried udderly smooth a long time ago and I don't like it one bit its sticky and tacky.. haha my aunt really loves it though
    and yeah I've never seen nail polish remover pads before either! hmm interesting Great post! haha sorry for the long ass reply!

  4. Ooh please review the Hard Candy items! :) Fab haulage

  5. Great haul... I hope they bring hard candy to denmark too =D
    You have to tell about the garnier one, im curious if it works hehe

  6. Nice haul! Can't wait for full reviews then :D


  7. @SilhouetteScreams-I hear it is good with that kind of thing, I am actually really liking it..helps with dry hands for sure!

    @Lalalucy1000-Lol it totally is... also crazy finger prints on it after using it! but I like it since it's different then other packaging I have =)

    @Themisstwist- I forgot you have this hairspray too! I seem to be purchasing a lot of things you have lol you should be in sales or something!
    Ahh good tip with the hard candy lotion, I actually really like it!
    Hey I love long ass replies lol especially if you read my long ass reply back =D

    @Vintagemakeup- I will for sure!=)

    @Osxg33kgirl-I really do too, but maybe we could do a little makeup swap and I could send you some!! I am liking the gariner one but not too sure about the added shine.. I might do a little review on it.

    @Daphyin- =) hopefully I will do them this weekend !

  8. uh that would be awesome.. we should talk about that =D

  9. It's ridiculous how pricey Garnier and Jergens can be! I don't purchase their stuff anymore anyway.

    I LOVE Udderly Smooth, it's super inexpensive and it works amazing on my dry skin and on my eczema!

    I really want to try some more things from Hard Candy ever since I won the Fox in a Box blush in a giveaway, it's one of my favorite blush!

    I have tried nail polish remover pads once when I was younger just to see the difference between this and the regular liquid remover, but it didn't work better and it's not really good for the environment.


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