Famous Stars and Straps Haul - My Blog Spot

Famous Stars and Straps Haul

1:00 AM

I FINALLY GOT MY PACKAGE!!! =D =D =D =D This SERIOUSLY made my day!!!!! 

By now most of you that read my blog know I am a MASSIVE Blink 182 fan and of course I LOVE Travis Barker! In case you don't know, he has had a clothing line called Famous Stars and Straps since 1999 and I have been wearing it since about 2000 so about 11 years! Wow that makes old lol.
Blink went on tour and I saw the show at the end of August, I didn't get to meet Travis =,,( But I did see him walking to his tour bus...after a LONG time of waiting by the fence staring in at the tour buses wishing he would come out and give us a hello, he didn't but we managed to meet his nephew and his friend! They were really awesome,they gave us a bunch of Famous Stars and Straps stickers, a discount code for FSAS 50% off and got our tickets signed by Travis!!!!!!! =D =D I am very thankful they were so kind and answered my million questions =) As well the ticket is by far the coolest thing I own so THANK YOU!!!!!!!
I made my order September 1 and it was shipped out by Sept 6th and I got it yesterday the 15th, so pretty decent shipping from United States.
Enough talking, here's what I got!!!!!

Six shirts,my favorite one is the lime green and black checkered one!!!
These shirts where $11-$13.00 Each

I love this belt! It is a guys belt so it is super long but I will cut it and make a cuff bracelet out of the extra belt. -$10
Cute key chain-$3.50

I was super stoked about this as well, they threw in a bunch of stickers =)
I cannot believe they had a 50% Off sale, I was so excited and could have spent a ton more but maybe next time! I know this haul is so different then everyone else's clothing hauls I read but I am fairly causal and love this clothing line =D
You can check out their online store at - www.famoussas.com 
Do you own any Famous Stars and Straps?

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  1. That's great that you got it so fast from the US. I wait 3 weeks for stuff in the US from the US heheh...Good stuff I like Blink 182 also!

  2. wow that's awesome! gotta love stickers! way to go cousin and friend! *high five* woot woot I bet you were just in heaven! haha ;-)

  3. Woop that look so good =D and love the stickers... I don't own any.
    I used to love the band simple plan and bought clothes from their line role model, and was super excited about the stickers I got too hehe

  4. Awww, it was so nice to read this post and hear how happy you are Taygan :) That was fast shipping by the way!
    I love how your clothing hauls might be different than other bloggers - that's what makes you unique! I like the edgy rocker chic look too sometimes.
    No I don't own anything from Famous Stars and Straps but I've slashed up a few of my tanks/tees to give it more of an edge.
    I think that's a great idea to re-size the belt and use the extra fabric to make a cuff bracelet ;)

  5. @Mrsmakeup-I know it was really fast I was very happy =D and that's wicked you are a Blink fan!!

    @VintageMakeup-How could I turn that sale down?;)

    @Themisstwist-Lol It was so awesome that they met us and scored is the autograph!!!!!! and discount code =D

    @Osxg22kgirl-=D I didn't even know they had a clothing line! Do you still listen to them? They are touring around here soon I believe.

    @Karen-=) I get ridiculously excited sometimes lol I couldn't imagine if anything major good happened to me, i'd probably have a heart attack or something.
    That is true it makes me unique or more plain lol. oo that is a good idea too, I haven't done that yet but I need too!

  6. yeah I still listen to them.. I used to LOVE them, and met them a couple of of times. Honest talk but some of the best music comes from canada


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