My Crazy Veet Giveaway Winnings!

6:00 AM

If you didn't read my post the other day, I won Gabys Veet Giveaway and it arrived very quickly in such an awesome basket =D
I feel like a broken record but I really am pumped I won this! Who wouldn't be?
There is a lot of great stuff in this massive basket...
 When I saw the box I was thinking holy crap why is the box sooo massive?? Shipping must have been so expensive =/
My kitties were very interested in what was inside.
 I don't know why but I didn't actually think they would ship it so nicely wrapped like in the picture on the blog...but they did! It looks so nice!!
Lots of wonderful stuff to try!
 A nice white Veet towel
This would be great as a beach bag! Too bad there isn't any nearby =(

*Easy Grip Ready to use Wax Strips-With Vitamin E & Almond-Sensitive Formula(20 Strips & 4 Perfect Finish Wipes)
*Suprem'Essence Easy Grip Ready to Use Wax Strips with velvet rose fragrance & Essential Oils (36 Wax Strips & 4 Perfect Finish Wipes)
*Easy To use Wax Strips-Normal to Dry Skin-Aloe Vera and Lotus Fragrance (20 Wax Strips & 4 Perfect Finishing Wipes)
All of these are leg and Bikini wax strips. I cannot believe how many they sent!I can't wait to review these.

These are what I am most interested in trying since Gaby had a pretty good review of a positive experience with them, maybe I will too!

*Suprem'Essence Hair Removal Cream
*Sensitive Formula Hair Removal Cream with Aloe 
* Dry Skin Formula Hair Removal Gel Cream, Shea Butter & Lily Fragrance
That is my loot =D
Thanks so much to Veet (Even though they will never read this lol) and Gaby for hosting this!!

Have you ever tried any of these products?

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  1. ahh i swear by veet! I've been using it since i was like 11 or 12! All their lines are amazing! :)
    Lucy x

  2. I seriously have not used veet since I was younger just to try it out! haha I really want to try out some wax strips though!

  3. wow that is awesome! I love you kitties! They seem to think its for them in the picture! haha You will have to let us know about the Veet products. I am very curious about them!

  4. Wow that's a cray big box! I totally forgot about the towl and the beach bag, that's great! Cute kitties (:

  5. Congratulations on winning Gaby's giveaway! And that's so cute that your cats were curious too so see what was inside the parcel :)
    The beach bag is really nice! I love that kind of woven material.
    I haven't tried any Veet products in a long time - I used depilatories as a teenager a few times but I found shaving much easier to deal with (and it just smells better/less chemicals). But depilatories have come a long way since I was a teenager from what I can see from the packaging!

  6. @LucyyLou-That's great! I hope I think the same thing =)

    @Themisstwist-You will have to test some out! Hopefully they are decent, at least they are easy to use with no mess!

    @Miranda-haha I know, everything I bring in my house they are all over it stat, they need to figure out what it is! Chicken loves boxes, he chews them to no end its so weird. I will do a review soon and I hope they are as good as I'm thinking they are!

    @Gaby-So BIG!! Nice little extras with the products =) can't go wrong with that. And thank you =D

    @VintageMakeup-Thank you and thank you!

    @Karen-Thanks!! I really like the bag too, its huge and perfect for summer. The smell is still terrible lol but I hope the formula is better now with the little squeegee thing.


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