HOLY MAN!!! - My Blog Spot


6:00 AM

I recently went away for the weekend for my birthday with my boyfriend and I had my good friend Shari watch my furkids...She had mentioned she had something for me for my birthday and that she would leave it at my house for me...I told her no presents! I usually don't blink too much over my birthday, so I certainly don't ever want people to spend money on me.BUT she did...

I have to share this with you guys because I was so shocked!!! I have gotten presents in my life before, but nothing like this! when I saw it I think I screamed "Holy CRAP!!!" 

It was wrapped a little neater, I did open it and take pictures the next day since it was so late when I opened it. I absolutely love anything with stars on it and the wrap on it has nice white stars on it =) She put everything in a really nice basket. I wish I could wrap this neatly!!She is really good at things like this.


This is my ALL TIME FAVORITE lotion EVER!! It's something that I would use every single day if it wasn't so expensive, its around $23 a bottle! ( you really shouldn't
 have Shari!) The smell is so good, I could smell it all day!

Like stars I really like Skull things, I know its kinda like a fad but I have always like stars and skulls so this is the wickedest soap dispenser EVER! I love it!! And pink and black are my favorite colors =)

Shari is my shopping buddy and we were at Walmart and were looking at the Calgon Oatmeal Soak and I wanted it but said maybe next time(i'm trying to watch my spending!) She must have remembered that and got it, good memory! One of my favorite lip glosses, Vanilla Mint.As well I love all Sweet Pea things from Bath and Body Works, this lotion is soo nice it makes your hands crazy soft!

I seriously feel like a spoiled brat! lol I really never get this much stuff, or such thoughtful stuff!! I have wanted this Tina Fey book for months, I have heard it is so funny and I love funny things and Tina Fey is awesome, I am so excited to read this =)

I had posted this poem on my blog a while back and I just loved this! She had painted it on canvas and purchased an awesome star picture holder! How original and awesome is this?! I LOVE IT! 

This might be teenage like but I love socks, and I will never ever wear white or black colored socks, I will be the 88 year old with the colored socks lol 

And in the basket are the best candies ever!! We always buy salt water taffies, I think I ate a handful of them at like 11 last night, they are sooo good!!

THANK YOU SO FREAKING MUCH!!! I still cannot believe I was so lucky to meet such a kind friend who knows me so well! 
I am not materialistic at all, but this was so kind, very thoughtful and it is so hard to find a good friend who cares and knows you so well, I am very lucky. =) =) =)

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  1. Aww I love how you refer to them as your "furkids" haha that's too cute!! Oh my gosh you hit the jackpot!! How sweet of her :) I know, my birthday always comes neglected by friends..the only ones who ever give me presents/acknowledge it are my grandparents, parents, and sister LOL. but it's always just so sweet when a friend gives me something, even something small like a bag of candy makes my day! :)
    Happy late birthday!!

  2. ahhhhhhhhck! that is awesome! what a sweetheart your friend is! oooooohh we are gonna be matchy matchy I bought myself the two skull socks too! haha and that skull dispenser is seriously the shit! Did you get those ears pierced yet? haha

  3. that is awesome! So sweet of her =) I love tina fey and want to read her book. I hear its so funny but of course with someone like her coming out with a book you expect that. haha

  4. Aww you got spoiled! I never it was your birthday?! HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!

    That skull soap dispenser looks so cool!

  5. @Cerina-hah I love the furkids/furbabies =) Well If I could I would buy you birthday presents every year! It's not that presents are important but it is really nice every once in a while to spoil a friend or have them spoil you, and I think you deserve that! I hear ya, a bag of candy is something that is always thoughtful =) Little things count so much!!Thank you for the Happy birthday =) It's today so you aren't late!

    @Themisstwist-I know, she is the nicest friend anyone could ask for, not just because of the presents but for everything else she is =) You would fit in great with us and all the skull socks lol. No I didn't this weekend but I hope I can soon! I just have to get the guts to do it again lol,I know it doesn't hurt but as you get older its more scary to me =/

    @Miranda- =) I agree,very very kind!! She is freakin hilarious!! I am just starting the book and already it's making me laugh, I think it will be great!! You should definitely read it if you can!

    @Gaby- I know!!! I feel like such a brat lol. I kinda keep my birthday quiet since I don't like them but thank you so much =) It is super cool, I love the skull =)

  6. OMG !! I love it. So jealous. :D


  7. That's so awesome! Love the pink skull ehhe

  8. @Ruby- =) I am pretty fricken lucky!!

    @Mrsmakeup-It is so rad hey?!


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