Mail!!! =) - My Blog Spot

Mail!!! =)

8:14 PM

I absolutely Love getting mail especially when it isn't bills or junk mail...
Here is what I got in the past couple days!

I was very fortunate to receive these products to review from the awesome Farleyco.ca . Very very kind staff there =) Thank you!
Here is what I got:
*Montagne Jeunesse Moisture Miracle Hair Masque
*Montagne Jeunesse Volume Miracle Hair Masque
*Montagne Jeunesse Cool Eyes Anti wrinkle
*Montagne Jeunesse Lip Healing Balm with Aloe & Spearamint
*Plus White one Step 5 minute speed whitening Gel
All of these look really nice so I am very happy to try them out =) =)

I will hopefully be doing the review in the next week or so. 

AND!!!!! My Bathing suit from Vodaswim that I won from Gabys Voda Swim Give away! I was super excited to win this, as I honestly can never find a bathing suit I like so this will replace my Super store one I currently have lol... I am cheap! Thank you so much to Gaby and Voda Swim!!!

I know the picture is weird, my camera is being lame.. I will do better pictures and a review about this swim suit later on too.
As well my Sample from Monster Energy of their new energy shot- WORX Energy.
There is my mail for last week.

BTW this week might be slow for posts since it looks like another crazy week..I am taking care of my little sisters kitty and she is not enjoying my two cats so its a bit much for the next week trying to divide them up and give them all the attention they need..they are my kids so they require a lot lol.
I hope every ones having a good summer, and not melting away!

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  1. Omg I'm so jealous about ur voda win omg I entered as well.. And really wanted it onggggggggg :(... But so glad ure the winner s2 :)


  2. I also have a bunch of Montagne Jeunesse masks to try but I haven't yet, they all look interesting though! And that speed whitening gel looks great, I'm really into teeth whitening treatments these days because I find my teeth sooo yellow (too much coffee, I know!)

    Yeah, you got the swimsuit! I love mine even though I was a little dumb and brought it on camping LOL but it's OK, it's just a swimsuit after all!

  3. Oh my gosh those hair masks remind me of being little lol. my sister was a preteen in the 90's so she was all into doing hair masks and face masks, and sometimes she'd let me do "spa stuff" with her and I always felt so old! Lmao
    I'm jealous of everyone's mail posts...holy mother of pearl I ordered so much crap from sephora, B&BW, and other companies, and seriously I haven't gotten it yet. Ugh. Lol by the way, when is the date of your Blink concert? :D

  4. Oh I've tried those masks too, they're pretty good! Cats are just so territorial, aren't they? And they get jealous so fast!! Hope it works out :)

  5. Yay for products to review :) I've seen those Montagne Jeunesse masks at Wal-Mart I believe but I haven't given them a try yet. I look forward to reading your review on them!
    Ahhh and congratulations on winning Gaby's swimwear contest. I couldn't believe how much the Voda swimwear helped her in the cleavage area. I might have a splurge and get one myself!
    Oh gosh I could use that energy shot today LOL I still have some more packing to do before my movers come in two days so I'll probably have a late night tonight just to make sure I get that stuff done in time.
    Awww, have fun babysitting your sister's kitty :) I love animals!

  6. @Thisisalx- I cannot believe I won! I don't think I've ever won anything in my life and I needed a swim suit so bad :) it's so nice!!

    @Gaby- they are great and so affordable! I am the same way, my teeth need some whitening i think =\ Lol you brought it camping! It's a nice swimsuit so you could bring it anywhere :)

    @Cerina- LOL holy mother of purl.. I can't wait to see your haul when it comes in, you need to start using twitter! You would be a blast to talk with! I as well used those masks when I was younger.Blink is August 27th!!!!!! :) :)

    @Prettyinthedesert - holy man are they ever!! Hoss is not enjoying it at my house unless my other cats are locked up so it's been a difficult 5 days so far.. 3 more to go lol.

    @Karen- ahh you totally need the energy shot to get all packed up lol.. I forget if you told me but do you use twitter? You totally should!!! Yes I do believe those masks are at Walmart, I always loved them for something affordable to Try out.. As well you should splurge on a voda swim suit! It's really nice, the bottoms don't fit as good but the top is nice and not like some crazy padded top it's really thin and nice! I am having fun when Hoss is not hissing at me lol.. She's a little scared I think but I love her!

  7. Alot of great stuff, hair masks are always great to have! Thanks for sharing:)

  8. Hey Hun!
    LOL you make me laugh. Okay I'll definitely have to give those energy shots a try and let you know. I always see them near the cashier at gas stations especially....hopefully they'll help me study this time around ;)
    You know what? I did sign up for a Twitter account but I haven't posted my first tweet yet LOL I'm not sure if I should start up on Twitter. And as crazy as this sounds I'm not even 50% sure how to use Twitter in terms of responding back and following certain conversations. Do you like using Twitter in comparison to blogging?
    Thanks Hun for letting me know about the Voda Swimwear fit regarding the bottoms - I really appreciate it. I guess I could just get the top then and find my own matching bottom.

  9. @Tenaca- I agree, I seriously use hair masks a couple times a week, I love them!!=)

    @Karen-I'm glad someone gets my humor! =) i'm not gonna lie the Monster energy shot tastes pretty sick... but I hear the Red Bull one is better(That is the only time you will hear me say that!lol) but those 5 hour energy ones were so sickening I thought I was drinking Pee! sick.
    Aw you have to use twitter! It is weird at first and I didnt understand but once you get the hang of it it's great,most of the beauty blogs I read have twitter and its so fun talking to them!! And absolutely, I find the bottoms are hard to guess on sometimes when you are buying online so you could just get the top and find bottoms later =)


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