DiorShow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum & Primer Review - My Blog Spot

DiorShow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum & Primer Review

9:08 AM

To prime lashes or not to prime? That is a question I have tried and tested over the years and I always end up having a love hate relationship with most lash primers. 
I have to be honest I haven't actually used one in over a year and when I ordered my Naked Palette from Sephora.com I got it as a free sample and I was hesitant at first but now my opinion has changed.

DiorShow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum & Primer

"What it is:
Dior's first lash primer that combs, curls, and coats each lash to create a smooth, even mascara base, while acting as a nourishing serum treatment that promotes long-term lash growth, strength, and vitality.
What it does:
The newest addition to the family of legendary Diorshow Mascaras, DiorShow Maximizer Lash Plumping Serum & Primer instantly primes, plumps, and lengthens lashes with an ultra-light and quick-drying formula. The first "active serum" mascara primer also contains a unique cell-conditioning complex made up of hydrolyzed soy proteins that promote long-term lash growth, strength, and vitality."

That was a way better description then I could have thought of myself so I borrowed it from Sephora.com

I received the 4ml tube and I am sad to say I am running quite low =(

*This formula does not make lashes feel hard or clumpy like I have found with other primers. 

*The no clump brush glides on easy for an even coverage.  

 This does dry fairly quick so I only prime one eye at a time then follow with mascara before it dries. I don't know if it is best to let it dry or not but I feel it looks better with mascara right after the primer. 

I have been trying to take a before and after picture all week but I am not photogenic and I have not been able to come up with a good close up of my lashes.. hopefully I will get one soon because I think the results are great.

I honestly think this product does pretty much what it says and if I was rich I would continuously purchase this.... but I am not. So I will not be buying the $28.00 regular size of this product =/ I just cannot justify the $$ on that but it is really a good product!! It probably would last a decent amount of time but I am not sure if it follows the mascara rule and throwing it out after a few months.

What is your favorite lash primer?

 **btw I think Blogger is being funny again because I didn't add all those "jump/page breaks" in my post and they won't go away! =(  **

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  1. Great post! I've wanted to try that but it's pricey for not actually being a mascara. I'm on my last bottle of Latisse and it stopped working on me so this might be a cheaper alternative for me. I never paid for my stash of Latisse and I wouldn't pay for it either lol

  2. Sounds fabulous! I have yet to find a lash primer that I love. :)

  3. @Mercedes-Oooo nice I have wanted to try Latisse!! how did you get your hands on that? I didn't know it could just stop working, for the price it is i would be pissed if it stopped working on me!

    @Vintage makeup-It is pretty darn good =) if you can try it ever you should!!

  4. Looks like a goof product, I've only tried/used one lash primer so far and it's one by the japanese brand fairy drops, it's quite good :)

  5. mmm i never thoguht of actually needing a lash primer.. i dont think they are needed.. but thats just cuz i havent tried one before soo cant say whether its a need or not =P...maybe one day if i get it for free too but for now.. i dont think i wanna spend extra money on it =P

    PS.... i TRY not to spoil my surprises on my luxe boxes.. but sometimes its sooo HARD!!! soo tempting.. but this month i really wanted to keep the surprise but loose button actually spoiled it for me =[ they posted a blurred picture on this months' boxxx.. i wont tell u want ppl are guessing wat it is.. i'll let u spoil it urself if u like =P but i will be making a new post right when i get it!! im soo excited ^^ hehe


  6. Funny that your post made me think about the samples I got with my Sephora order and how I have put them somewhere and forgotten about them heheh... See your blog is helping me in ways you didn't know it could heheh :)

  7. @Jadegrrrl-I will google that and see what it is, I love trying new products ppl recommend!

    @thisisalx-you are right it is it needed but if you get it for free it's worth using :)
    Lol oh no! I saw that in twitter that they were guessing but I stayed away from it..I don't want to wreck it! And I will have to read your post late again so I don't spoil it!

    @Mrsmakeup lol that is too funny! Well I am happy I can help someone in some way! I actually usually put my samples from them to the side and then use them later so I do the same thing!

  8. I think blogger fixed the issue you mentioned because I don't see any jumps or page breaks :) I also had blogger issues yesterday with the followers - it was showing up like a blank space on my blog and I couldn't see any followers even on my dashboard. But it got fixed later today :)
    I find Dior mascaras are identical to L'oreal mascaras. I think they even might be under the same parent company (like how MAC and Estee Lauder are under the same parent company - that I know for sure but not sure about L'oreal and Dior).
    I use a lash primer and right now I use the MAC Prep + Prime lash. Primers last me ages and never seem to dry out like regular mascaras do. I have to remind myself to throw them out! The thing about the MAC one is that you can save the container and Back2Mac it. Another lash primer I love is the Clinique Lash Primer which is about $18 CDN I think. Even the lash primer on the L'oreal Double Extend mascara is fab. The only lash primer I do not recommend is the Urban Decay one - it's horrendous!

  9. Do you want to know how to get 30-50% plumper lips? check that How To Lips


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