Empties! - My Blog Spot


7:38 PM


I have read a couple of these hitting pan and empty kind of posts on some blogs and I really liked it so I thought I would do one myself!
I have been trying to use up everything I have had laying around for the past year. I need to get rid of my stock pile of stuff one way or another...

*got2b-Guardian Angel
*Guarnier Frutis -Body Boost Spray
*L'oreal - Volume Mousse
*Biore-warming anti-blackhead cream cleanser
*L'oreal-Voluminous Million
*L'oreal Elnett

*Jergens-Ulta Care
*Secret-Body Mist in Vanilla Chai
*Batiste-Dry Shampoo Original
*Paul Mitchell- Super Skinny Serum
*Olay Quench-Active Hydration

That is as far as I have gotten this month, I will try to keep on using what I can...the more I can use the better, then I can get new stuff ;)
I am actually pretty happy I am using up things that are just taking up space or that were close to being empty but I never finished up.

What are the latest things you have used up?

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  1. Oh wow! Do you have any tips for using things up? It takes me ages :)

  2. @Vintagemakeup- that is such a good question!! I just felt so guilty buyng new things I don't need as I am a product junkie I can't help myself lol but I told myself I needed to use up these things and I wasn't allowed to buy certain things until I used up what I had,with that rule I had to use everything! It is hard but you just gotta push yourself because then you can get new things :) maybe that might help :)

  3. Nice! Good luck. I'm actually doing the P10P with my makeup. I didn't realize how slow of a process it is to use up all of my makeup...


    *Check out my giveaway:

  4. Yay for using things up! It definitely puts your money to use. It avoids the problem of your product going bad and just taking up space as you said. What were your favourite products of the bunch you finished? Any of them you would/have already repurchased?
    Hmmm....the products I finished recently are ones that I love so I just restock :) Most recently my Jimmy Choo perfume, Aveeno Moisturizing Lotion, Aussie Voluminizing moose + leave-in conditioner in one.

  5. I love seeing when people use up all their product.I have to stop buying new stuff until I get at least halfway through something hehe

  6. @D.Sadie-It is crazy how slow it seems to be to used up products!

    @KarenLaw-I know!It always makes me feel better yo use them then sit and take up space. I have already repurchased the L'oreal Voluminous Million Lashes mascara,Elnet hair spray,Jergens lotion and Batiste dry shampoo! I NEED to try the Aussie Voluminizing moose+Leave in, that sounds really great! and I like the Aveeno Moisturizing lotion too!

    @MrsMakeup-It is so hard to stop from purchasing something when you are out and you really want to try it!! we have to stay strong and try to use our stuff up ;)

  7. Great post! I have some favs that I just can't replace I've tried a few others while using the favs just in case I don't like them. I haven't bought anything new in awhile though haha Love the Olay lotion! it was my fav too!

  8. Yey, lots of empties! I can't explain why I love seeing these posts (:

  9. @Gaby- I know, maybe because we are so used to reading what everyone bought it's nice to see what everyone used up?


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