REDKEN Refining Sea Polish Review - My Blog Spot

REDKEN Refining Sea Polish Review

9:56 PM


I have only used this once and I used it sparingly as the sample I got probably has 2 uses in it but I am not too sold on this.
Okay just in case you have never seen this product it is REDKEN'S Refining Sea Polish- "Gentle exfoliant, enriched with pumice, removes impurities and refines the hair's surface leaving it smooth and shiny." (From the web site) BUT I have to disagree on that one! I have only tried this once and I didn't like it. It felt like I was literally rubbing sand in my hair, I was kind of worried that I was going to shred my already fragile hair with this stuff! Even though the packaging states it is for ALL hair types-I think not.
This "gentle" Exfoliant is pretty fine,not like an actual face scrub or anything like that, you probably can tell in the picture how fine the grain is.

After you have rubbed this in your hair, you are to rinse and condition. This did rinse out easy and it didn't get stuck like you think maybe sand would. I did use a deep conditioner after just in case this did any harm to my hair.
So Over all honestly I only used it once as I do have fine hair and I don't really think this is a product for anyone with fine or really damaged hair as it does exfoilate the hair a bit, it doesn't like rip your hair open but I think this would be more suitable for maybe thick hair. I didn't find my hair any shinier either and since my hair is so dark I think I would be able to notice a difference. It did have a pleasant smell like the rest of the products in this line but that is basically all I can say about it.
I will probably never use this again and I am glad I got to try a free sample of it.
I think if your salon has the little packet samples defiantly give it a try and let me know how it is!

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  1. My hair is so thin I think it would rip it apart lol.

  2. @kysebel stay away stay away ;) I wouldn't have known your hair is fine, good thing you can't tell by looking at it!


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