REDKEN Natures Rescue Shampoo Review - My Blog Spot

REDKEN Natures Rescue Shampoo Review

8:07 PM

I am in love with this already! I haven't bought a cleansing shampoo for quite some time and I don't really know why I haven't but I haven't . I have only used this shampoo twice, I will probably only use it once a week from now on since it is a cleansing shampoo that basically de-gunks your hair. After I blow dried my hair it was crazy soft and felt so light. I did notice a bit more volume because I had gotten rid of all the crap that has been building up on my hair.
This is a sulfate paraben free shampoo so it isn't going to foam up like crazy when it is in your hair, it did foam up but I always think the more it foams the more it is cleaning and I think I tend to use too much but oh welllll. I did notice more dye washing out of my hair then my other shampoo-that's why I would only use this once a week. I think this is worth the money as the bottle will probably last me a really long time.

Have you tried this yet?

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  1. @splattergirl- I got it from Green Apple hair salon, I think most salons carry redken but I dont think this is available at drugs stores =\ not anytime soon at least

  2. @splattergirl nope I am just in Alberta..u?

  3. toronto :)
    I will try to look for it...I read about Redken sea spray on Phyrra's blog and bookmarked it as a must have item and was happy while I thought I could get it in SDM :D
    I'll continue the search, maybe ebay will be my friend haha! or ask in beauty supply places, won't hurt :)

  4. @splattergirl Ohhk cool, I will have to check out thy blog too :) eBay probably would have it for sure, maybe there is a salon near u that might have it? If u guys have Chatters there they will have it too. Good luck, it's a good line of their products

  5. don't think any chatters, just sdm, rexall, winners, walmart.... yea maybe walmart has it, who knows!!! check out phyrra's blog for sure, it's awesome and she reviews all kinds of stuff! I have to have that sea spray, I love sea scents :D found one on ebay... about $21 shipped.

  6. @splattergirl Ooo that sea spray smells SOOO good!! I love it! Do u have a blog?


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