CURrEnT BoOkS I aM ReaDiNg - My Blog Spot

CURrEnT BoOkS I aM ReaDiNg

4:26 PM

I am just starting to read "Skinny Bitch" . It is a book about becoming more healthy in a vegan/vegetarian life style. I am not a vegetarian but  i don't eat meat very often so I may as well be! I have a sister who is a vegetarian so I am trying to get to that point, as i am an animal lover! These girls who wrote this book are very straight forward, take no crap and have a funny twist to it. I am enjoying this book so far!

The Next book I am reading as well is  called "Fury" It is a book about a girl with her pent up anger.. I am just getting started in this one so I don't have to much insite on it. I had read Koren Zailckas previous book "Smashed" . Which is about her past and using drinking as an escape from her life. I think that book was pretty good, I am enjoying " Fury " more.

Have you read either of these?

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  1. I haven't read either of these! Keep us posted on Fury! :)

  2. @Everybitofbeauty- thank u for checking out my blog :) I will try to do A book review thingy, cuz I did finish it and it was fairly interesting!


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