Mary Kay Satin Hands Review

1:07 PM

I am absolutely in love with this product and I would repurchase it again and again...
Mary Kay's Satin Hands is by far the best hand treatment I have ever used. It leaves your hands ridiculously soft and smelling good.
I was an automotive detailer for years and my hands were always feeling gross (even thought I wore gloves at work) and really dry. I was always searching for a product to make them feel nice again.

I bought this from a Mary Kay sales representative in my city for around $50....Yes it is EXPENSIVE. She was at my friends house and we were trying out some new make up and things and she had this and let me give it a try. I have only purchased this set 2 times as it is REALLY pricey but honestly it is worth it every year to splurge.
I have been using this sparingly over this year, I would use it every couple days if it wasn't so expensive.
In this set It comes with the EXTRA EMOLLIENT NIGHT CREAM, SATIN SMOOTHIE HAND SCRUB, and the HAND CREAM. The sales representative told me to put the night cream all over my hands,then use the scrub, rinse and use the hand cream and WOW does it work!
Using the thick kind of Vaseline like night cream first kind of acts like a barrier to hold in moisture. I find using these products in that order works really well.
There are different kinds you can purchase from Mary Kay if you are not big on the smell. This one is the peach scent I believe and I really like the smell! You can check out some of the other Satin Hand Kinds HERE if you are interested.

Have you tried Satin Hands or any other hand treatment that you have loved??

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  1. I tried this once at a Mary Kay presentation and loved it, it really made my hands sooooo soft! Not sure I would actually purchase it though, Mary Kay products are a little too pricey for me )=

  2. @Gaby I know hey? Just crazy soft.. And they are sooo expensive!! I think this is the only product I would buy

  3. Thank you so much for visiting my blog and leaving me comments :) i love new folllowers!! :D

    Mary Kay is a great brand.... I remember when i was little, my grandma would always have their catalogues laying around her house and my sister and I would always look at them and just wish we were old enough for make-up lol ;D

    I have a sample size of that kit! OMG my hands feel like velvet after I use it :)

  4. @Cerina :) u r welcome.. I agree it is fun to have new
    Followers and comments! Thanks for checking out my blog and following :)
    Ooo u have a sample size, that would be good if it's cheaper then this one.

  5. Im a Mary Kay consultant in CA. Bay Area~ and that is a very popular sell! little update not sure when you got it cuz it does have a new look now but its also only $34.00 for the set right now! but if anyone got it threw me id give an even better deal of course ;)
    You got a Great Blog!
    Take Care

  6. @Erinfeisler- I got it last year... I just try to make it last since it is so expensive! Are you selling from USA? That might be why the price was so high here?
    Thanks for checking out my blog =)


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